

美音:[´hɑ:nəs ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´hɑ:nəs ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.(全套)马具,系在身上的绳子,甲胄 vt.上马具,披上甲胄,利用(河流、瀑布等)产生动力(尤指电力)




名词:harnesser 动词过去式:harnessed 过去分词:harnessed 现在分词:harnessing 第三人称单数:harnesses

近义词, 同义词

tie  pinion  string  strap  sew  lace  tat  stitch  tack  knit  button  buckle  hitch  lash  truss  bandage  braid  splice  swathe  gird  tether  moor  picket  harness  chain  fetter  restrain  lock  latch  belay  brace  hook  grapple  leash  couple  link  yoke  bracket  marry  wed  bridge over  span  braze  pin  nail  bolt  hasp  clasp  clamp  crimp  screw  rivet  solder  set  weld together  fuse together  wedge  rabbet  mortise  miter  jam  dovetail fastener  fastening  tie  ligament  ligature  strap  tackle  rigging  harness  yoke  band ribband  bandage  brace  roller  thong  braid  girder  tiebeam  halter  noose  lasso  knot  running knot  lariat    


control  hook-up  saddle  use  yoke    


/'hɑ:nɪs; `hɑrnɪs/
1 equipment consisting of leather straps and saddle and metal fittings by which a horse is controlled and fastened to the cart, plough, etc that it pulls 马具(包括皮带和马鞍以及金属器具).
2 similar equipment, eg as worn by a parachutist or for controlling a small child 类似马具的装备(如降落伞背带或幼童的系带). =>illus 见插图.
3 (idm 习语) die in harness => die2. in double `harness => double1.

1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (to sth) put a harness on (a horse, etc); attach (a horse, etc) by a harness 给(马等)上挽具; 套(马等)
*harness a horse to a wagon 把马套到四轮马车上.
2 [Tn] control and use (a natural force) to produce electrical power, etc 控制及利用(自然界的力量)以产生电能等
*harness a river, a waterfall, the sun's rays as a source of energy 利用河水、瀑布、太阳光作为能源.
1. A mechanic strapped me into my harness, and plugged in the system that would allow me to breathe and talk at 35,000 feet.

2. The class of fliers which harness the air to their purpose, but must yield to its opposition.

3. For a fee of $15.60 per jump, Tokyo Roof rented me a flight suit, special shoes, gloves, earplugs(耳塞), a crash helmet, a face mask, a tooth guard and a safety harness (but no parachute).
    蹦极跳每次收费15.60美元,"东京屋顶" 租给我一套飞行服,特殊的鞋子、手套、耳塞、头盔、面罩、护牙套、还有一套安全装备(但是没有降落伞)。
