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illness为六级词汇   词频:2298

近义词, 同义词




/'ɪlnɪs; `ɪlnɪs/
1 [U] state of being ill in body or mind; lack of health 病; 疾病; 不健康
*We've had a lot of illness in the family. 我们家的人患过很多病.
2 [C] type or period of illness 患的病; 患病期间
*serious illnesses 重病
* recovering after a long illness 久病之後逐渐康复.


n [U and C]
a disease of the body or mind, or the condition of being ill
 She had all the normal childhood illnesses .
 I'd been told I'd been suffering from various illnesses .
 Her mother was just recovering from an illness .
 Have you ever had any serious illnesses ?
 He died in hospital yesterday after a short illness .
 patients with chronic illnesses
 Her husband was diagnosed with a terminal illness . (=doctors found that her husband had a terminal illness)
 Stress can cause mental illness .
 I've never missed a day's work through illness in my life.
 ways to improve your health and reduce the risk of illness
COLLOCATES for sense 1
have an illness/suffer from an illness
recover from an illness
serious illness
minor illness
short/long illness
childhood illness
acute illness (=an illness that becomes serious very quickly)
chronic illness (=an illness that lasts a long time and cannot be cured)
fatal illness (=an illness which causes death)
terminal illness (=an illness which cannot be cured and that causes death, often slowly)
mental illness
the symptoms of an illness (=the things that show that someone has it)
through illness (=because of illness)
WORD CHOICE: illness, disease
Illness and disease are often used in the same way and are equally common in spoken English.
However, illness is more often used to refer to the length of time or state of being unwell : He died after a long illness. | if you are off school because of illness
!! Do not use illness to talk about less serious problems such as headaches or colds.
Disease is a particular kind of illness, especially one that spreads from one person to another or affects a particular part of your body : infectious diseases | heart disease
!! Disease can also be used to mean a lot of different diseases : Cigarette smoking causes death and disease.

1. We´ve had a lot of illness in the family.

2. What illness is he suffering from?

3. The illness agonized him greatly.

4. The illness had not really left her; it had gone into hiding, instead, and the physical and mental after-effects of that historical August 6, 1945, would trouble Kaz all the rest of her life.

5. Of the nature of the illness from which his friend was suffering,

6. Now the snag in this sort of anecdote is of course that one cannot distinguish cause and effect. Was the noise a cause of the illness, or were the complaints about noise merely a symptom?

7. His long illness emaciated him.

8. His long illness emaciated him.

9. He has got a protracted, exhaustive siege of illness.

10. Her siege of illness left her languid and pallid.
    疾病的长期折磨把她弄得倦怠不堪, 毫无生气。
