

美音:[´ındə´keıtə ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´ındə´keıtə ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


indicator为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3539

近义词, 同义词


/'ɪndɪkeɪtə(r); `ɪndə,ketɚ/
1 person or thing that points out or gives information (eg a pointer or needle on a machine showing speed or pressure, etc) 指示者; 指示器; 指针
*Litmus paper can be used as an indicator of the presence of acid in a solution. 石蕊试纸可用以测试溶液是否含酸.
2 board giving up-to-date information about times of arrival or departure of trains, aircraft, etc (表示火车、飞机等往来时刻的)指示牌
*a `train indicator 列车时刻指示牌
* an ar`rivalsindicator 到达时刻指示牌.
3 device (esp a flashing light) on a vehicle showing that it is about to change direction (车辆的)方向指示装置(尤指闪动的灯光)
*a `traffic-indicator 方向指示器
* His left-hand/right-hand indicator is flashing. 他的左[右]信号灯在闪动. =>illus at App
1 见附录1插图, page xii.


something that can be regarded as a sign of something else
 All the main economic indicators suggest that trade is improving.
fog lamp, headlight, indicator, mirror
BrE one of the lights on a car that flash to show which way the car is turning
American Equivalent: turn signal
a pointer on a machine that shows the temperature, pressure, speed etc