

美音:[´ıntə´vi:n ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´ıntə´vi:n ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
vi.干涉,干预,插入,介入,(指时间)介于其间 v.干涉


intervene为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3877


形容词:interventional 名词:intervenor 动词过去式:intervened 过去分词:intervened 现在分词:intervening 第三人称单数:intervenes


inter-=between,among 变化型 enter-,intel-

近义词, 同义词


/,ɪntə'vi:n; ,ɪntɚ`vin/
v (fml 文)
1 [I] (of time) come or be between (指时间)进入, 介入, 在其间
*during the years that intervened 这期间的若干年里.
2 [I] (of events, circumstances) happen in such a way as to hinder or prevent sth from being done (指事情、情形)发生(以致阻碍某事)
*I will come if nothing intervenes. 假若没有别的事, 我一定来.
* We should have finished harvesting, but a storm intervened. 我们本可以收割完, 但却遇上了暴风雨.
3 [I, Ipr] ~ (in sth/between A and B) (of people) interfere so as to prevent sth happening or to change the result (指人)干涉, 干预, 调停, 调解, 斡旋
*When rioting broke out, the police were obliged to intervene. 暴乱发生时, 警察有责任干预.
* intervene in a dispute, quarrel, etc 调解纠纷、争吵等
* intervene between two people who are quarrelling 在吵架的两人间作调解
* I intervened on her behalf to try and get the decision changed. 我为她力争以求改变决定.


[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin;Origin: intervenire, from venire 'to come']
to become involved in an argument, fight, or other difficult situation in order to change what happens
intervene in
 The police don't usually like to intervene in disputes between husbands and wives.
 The army will have to intervene to prevent further fighting.
[I and T]
to interrupt someone when they are speaking
 'Stop shouting, Emily,' John intervened.
if an event intervenes, it delays or interrupts something else
 He was just establishing his career when the war intervened.
if a period of time intervenes, it comes between two events
 In the six years that intervened I saw them once.
1. It´s time that men of good sense and good will to intervene.
