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invasion为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3422


vade=to go(行走)

近义词, 同义词


/ɪn'veɪʒn; ɪn`veʒən/
(a) [U] invading or being invaded 侵略; 侵犯
*suffer invasion by enemy forces 遭受敌军的侵犯
* the invasion of Poland by Germany in
1939 1939年德国对波兰的侵略.
(b) [C] instance of this 侵略; 侵犯
*an outrageous invasion of privacy 对隐私权的粗暴侵犯.


[U and C]
when the army of one country enters another country by force, in order to take control of it
invasion of
 the invasion of Normandy
the arrival in a place of a lot of people or things, often where they are not wanted
 the annual invasion of teenagers for the Glastonbury Festival
invasion of privacy
a situation in which someone tries to find out details about another person's private affairs in a way that is upsetting and often illegal
1. The German invasion of Belgium took place.

2. The debate was over whether to go ahead with Overlord in the spring of 1944, as the Russians and Americans favoured, or possibly to postpone the invasion for the sake of operations in the Mediterranean, as the British proposed.

3. The British were too worried about invasion.

4. At a meeting of the military chiefs a few hours earlier, the British, at first hesitant, were raising additional objections to fixing the date for the invasion of northern France, known by the code name Overlord.

5. If, at the time, the British had not feared invasion, it would have been completed.

6. For all its concern about foreign cultural invasion and its defense against the pollution of the French language by English words, France's Socialist government has been untroubled about putting such a huge American symbol on the doorstep of the capi
