

美音:[´mæstə ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´mæstə ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.主人,雇主,(男)教师,熟练技工,师傅,大师,硕士,<称呼>少爷 adj.主人的,熟练的,高明的,主要的 vt.征服,控制,精通


master为中学词汇   词频:5580


动词过去式:mastered 过去分词:mastered 现在分词:mastering 第三人称单数:masters 名词:masterdom

近义词, 同义词

man  male  manhood  gentleman  sir  master  fellow  beau  elf  chap  husband  mister  boy  youthunderstand  comprehend  take  take in  catch  grasp  follow  collect  master    


chief  commander  controller  director  head  ruler  mistress  pupil  servant    


/'mɑ:stə(r); [US] 'ms-; `mæstɚ/
v [Tn]
1 gain control of (sth); overcome (sth) 控制, 制服(某事物)
*master one's temper, feelings, etc 控制住脾气、感情等.
2 gain considerable knowledge of or skill in (sth) 掌握, 精通(某事物)
*master a foreign language 掌握一门外语
* She has fully mastered the technique. 她已完全掌握了这种技术.
* He has mastered the saxophone. 他已精通萨克管的演奏.
1. Elephants like to have one master just as dogs do, and are capable of a considerable degree of personal affection.

2. Even in terms of biology, a clone would not be identical to the "master copy".

3. But the station master was adamant:

4. Banks stocked with the frozen sperm of geniuses already exist, but they haven't created a master race because few women are queuing up to get pregnant this way.

5. The obedient dog came at his master´s whistle.

6. The dog wagged his tail when he saw his master.

7. Two hours later, I was talking angrily to the station master at Westhaven.

8. The porter went to fetch one and arrived back with the station master,

9. The master had told us he would question us on verbs, and I did not know a thing about them, for I had not studied my lesson.

10. The master was walking up and down the room with the iron ruler under his arm and a book in his hand.
