

美音:[meız ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[meız ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.曲径,迷宫,迷津,迷惘,迷惑,糊涂 vt.使迷惘,使混乱,迷失




动词过去式:mazed 过去分词:mazed 现在分词:mazing 第三人称单数:mazes

近义词, 同义词



/meɪz; mez/
n (usu sing 通常作单数)
1 network of paths or hedges designed as a puzzle in which one must find one's way 迷宫; 迷魂阵
*We got lost in Hampton Court maze. 我们在汉普顿科特迷宫里迷了路. =>illus 见插图
*(fig 比喻) A maze of narrow alleys leads down to the sea. 迂回曲折的小径通往海边.
2 confused collection or complicated mass (of facts, etc) (事情等的)错综, 复杂
*finding one's way through the maze of rules and regulations 在纷繁的规则和条例中寻找出路. Cf 参看 labyrinth.


[Date: 1200-1300; Origin: maze 'to confuse' (13-19 centuries), probably from unrecorded Old English masian]
a complicated and confusing arrangement of streets, roads etc
maze of streets/paths/tunnels etc
 the maze of narrow streets
 I was led through a maze of corridors.
a large number of rules, instructions etc which are complicated and difficult to understand
maze of rules/regulations etc
 a maze of new laws
a specially designed system of paths, often in a park or public garden, which is difficult to find your way through
 We got completely lost in the maze.
 the famous Hampton Court maze
a children's game on paper in which you try to draw a line through a complicated group of lines without crossing any of them
1. A guide led us through the maze of tunnels in the cave.
