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mist为六级词汇   词频:4741


动词过去式:misted 过去分词:misted 现在分词:misting 第三人称单数:mists

近义词, 同义词


blur  cloud  dimness  film  fog  haze  vapor    


/mɪst; mɪst/ n
1 (a) [U, C] cloud of minute drops of water vapour hanging just above the ground, less thick than fog but still difficult to see through 薄雾; 雾霭; 雾气
*hills hidden/shrouded in mist 雾霭笼罩着的小山
* early morning mists in autumn 秋日清晨的薄雾
* [attrib 作定语] mist patches on the motorway 高速公路上阵阵的雾.
(b) [C usu pl 通常作复数] (fig 比喻) thing that is difficult to penetrate 难以透彻了解的事物
*dispel the mists of ignorance 驱散愚昧的迷雾
* lost in the mists of time 湮没在时间的迷雾中. =>Usage at fog 用法见fog.
2 [U] water vapour condensed on a cold surface, eg a window, mirror, etc making it look cloudy (凝结于物体表面的)水蒸气, 水汽, 水雾.
3 [sing] dimness or blurring of the sight 视线模糊不清
*She saw his face through a mist of tears. 她泪眼朦胧地望着他的脸.
4 [U] fine spray of liquid, eg from an aerosol 液体细雾(如喷雾器喷出的)
*A mist of perfume hung in the air. 空气中飘溢着香水的雾气.

1 [I, Tn] (cause sth to) be covered with mist or as if with mist (使某物)蒙上薄雾, 似被薄雾笼罩
*His eyes (were) misted with tears. 他泪眼模糊了.
* mist the plants, ie with an aerosol of water 给植物喷水.
2 (phr v) ,mist `over become covered with mist 蒙上薄雾
*The scene misted over. 薄雾遮住了风景.
* When I drink tea, my glasses mist over. 我喝茶时眼镜蒙上了一层水汽.
* His eyes misted over. 他的眼睛模糊了. mist (sth) up cover or become covered by a film of water vapour 蒙上一层水蒸气
*Our breath is misting up the car windows. 我们呼出的气渐渐给汽车的窗户上蒙上一层水蒸气.
1. The mist quickly dissipated as the sun rose.

2. There was a veil of mist over the mountains.

3. His eyes seemed to contain a white mist.

4. A mist hung over the river.
