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person为中学词汇   词频:337

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individual  somebody  someone  soul    


/'pɜ:sn; `pɝsn/
n (pl 复数作 people / 5pi:pl; `pipl/ or, in formal or derogatory use, 作郑重或贬抑用词时复数作 persons). =>Usage at people 用法见people. 1human being as an individual with distinct characteristics(有某种个性或特性的)人
*He's just the person we need for the job. 他正是我们需要的做那种工作的人.
* Hereshe is the very person we were talking about! 就是她--我们刚刚谈到的那个人.
* I had a letter from the people who used to own the corner shop. 我收到从前街角那家商店的老板寄来的一封信.
2 (fml or derog 文或贬) (esp known or unspecified) human being (尤指已知的或非特指的)人
*A certain person (ie somebody that I do not wish to name) told me everything. 有个人把一切都告诉我了.
* Any person found leaving litter will be prosecuted. 禁扔垃圾, 违者必究.
* (law 律) accused of conspiring with person or persons unknown, eg said when charging sb in court 被控与人合谋(如于法庭控告某人所说).
3 (grammar) any of the three classes of personalpronouns, the first person `I/we' referring to the person(s) speaking, the second person `you' referring to the person(s) spoken to, and the third person `he, she, it, they' referring to the person(s) or thing(s) spoken about 人称(第一人称I/we指谈话者, 第二人称you指谈话的对象, 第三人称he、she、it、they指谈及的人或事物).
4 (idm 习语) about/on one's `person carried about with one, eg in one's pocket 带在身上(如在口袋里)
*A gun was found on his person. 从他身上搜出一枝枪. be no/not be any respecter of persons => respecter (respect2). in `person physically present 亲身; 亲自; 本人
*The winner will be there in person to collect the prize. 奖金需获奖者本人领取.
* You may apply for tickets in person or by letter. 需票者可亲自来申请亦可来信索取. in the person of sb (fml 文) in the form or shape of sb 即某人; 乃某人; 其人
*Help arrived in the person of his father. 前来帮忙的是他的父亲.
* The firm has an important asset in the person of the director of research. 公司有一巨大财富, 就是研究部主任这个人.


[Date: 1100-1200; Language: Old French;Origin: persone, from Latin persona 'actor's mask, character in a play, person', probably from Etruscan phersu 'mask']
pluralpeople ['piːpəl/
1. Each person must have an equitable share.

2. Each person generates about 4.4 pounds of garbage a day — a number that has seen steady growth.

3. But they´re decided on the basis of a person´s position and seniority.

4. C.You try to talk the young person into staying home a bit longer.

5. Back in the good old days of stable economic expansion — the 1950s and 1960s — a person could choose to do something new, exciting, and creative in life but could also choose to say, "That's not for me:

6. Be the first to extend your hand in greeting. Couple this with a friendly 'Hello', a nice smile, and your name and you have made the first step to open the lines of communication between you and another person.

7. But nowadays even, it is not uncommon for a person to be brought back with heart massage (按摩) perhaps a full hour or more after he's "dead."

8. Was it a real person you saw or a ghost?

9. When anyone opens a current account at a bank, he is lending the bank money, repayment of which he may demand at any time, either in cash or by drawing a cheque in favour of another person.

10. Why does a person standing in a bus or train tend to fall when a sudden start is made?
