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substantial为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1541


副词:substantially 名词:substantiality


sist,stitut,sta,st=to stand(站立)

近义词, 同义词


actual  affluent  authentic  firm  prosperous  real  rich  solid  sound  stable  strong  true  wealthy  well-to-do    


/səb'stænʃl; səb`stænʃəl/
1 large in amount; considerable 数目大的; 可观的
*a substantial improvement, decrease 相当大的改善、缩减
* Her contribution to the discussion was substantial. 她在讨论中做了很多工作.
* obtain a substantial loan 获得大笔贷款.
2 [usu attrib 通常作定语] solidly or strongly built or made 坚固的; 结实的
*a substantial padlock, chair, wall 结实的挂锁、椅子、墙壁.
3 [usu attrib 通常作定语] owning much property; wealthy 有大量财产的; 富有的
*a substantial business, company 殷实的商号、公司 *substantial farmers 富有的农民.
4 [attrib 作定语] concerningthe most important part of sth; essential 实质的; 大体上的; 基本的
*We are in substantial agreement. 我们的意见基本一致.
5 (fml 文) having physical existence, not merely seen or heard or imagined; real 实际存在的; 实物的; 真实的
*Was it something substantial that you saw, or was it a ghost? 你见到的是实物, 还是鬼魂?


[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Late Latin;Origin: substantialis, from Latin substantia; SUBSTANCE]
large in amount or number
= considerable
 We have the support of a substantial number of parents.
 a substantial salary
 a substantial breakfast
 The document requires substantial changes.
[only before noun]
large and strongly made
 a substantial piece of furniture
1. There´s no substantial difference between a metropolitan and a farmer.

2. The house is substantial enough to last a hundred years.
    这房子很坚固, 一百年也不会坏。

3. The first category consists of substantial payments made for political purposes or to secure major contracts.

4. Suppose that during a negotiation with some government officials, the Minister of Trade makes it clear to you that if you offer him a substantial bribe, you will find it much easier to get an import license for your goods, and you are also likely to
    假定在一场与政府官员的谈判中,贸易部长向你明确表示如能给他一大笔贿赂,拿到进口许可证就会容易得多,还可能避免他所说的"程序上的延误" 。

5. Ms. Mbogo said she had become frustrated because the donor groups that provide substantial aid to Kenya's rural areas "did not want to come here".

6. Under a hastily made arrangement, the police will sell the properties, but at a substantial financial loss.
