

美音:[pık ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[pık ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.精选,掘,鹤嘴锄 vt.摘,掘,凿,挑选,挖,挑剔 vi.摘,掘,凿,挖,挑选 v.拾取


pick为小学词汇   词频:703


名词:picker 动词过去式:picked 过去分词:picked 现在分词:picking 第三人称单数:picks

近义词, 同义词


choose  cull  gather  harvest  select    


/pɪk; pɪk/
n [sing]
1 (right of) selecting; choice 挑选; 选择; 选择权
*Of course I'll lend you a pen. Take your pick, ie whichever one you choose. 我当然可以借给你钢笔用. 自己挑吧.
* The winner has first pick of the prizes. 胜者有选择奖品的优先权.
2 the ~ of sth the best (example) of sth 最佳选择(的事物); 精华
*Only the pick of the crop is good enough for us, eg in food advertising. 本公司原料皆为精选作物(如见于食品广告).
* the pick of the new season's fashions 新款精选
* (infml 口) the pick of the bunch, ie the best of a number of things or people 出类拔萃者.

/pɪk; pɪk/
1 (also pickaxe, US pickax / 5pIkks; `pIk9Aks/) large tool consisting of a curved iron bar with sharp ends fixed onto a wooden handle, used for breaking up stones, hard ground, etc 鹤嘴锄; 镐. =>illus at axe 见axe插图.
2 (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) instrument with a sharp point, used for the purpose specified 锄; 镐
*an `ice-pick
* a `toothpick.

/pɪk; pɪk/
1 [Tn] choose or select (sth), eg from a group of things, esp thoughtfully and carefully 挑选, 选择(某物); (尤指)精选
*You can pick whichever one you like. 你喜欢哪个就挑哪个.
* Only the best players were picked to play in the match. 选出参赛的都是最佳选手.
* pick one's words, ie express oneself carefully, eg so as not to annoy sb 斟酌词句(如以免得罪人)
* pick one's way along a muddy path, ie walk carefully, choosing the best places to put one's feet 在泥泞的小道上走路时小心下脚. =>Usage at choose 用法见choose.
2 [Tn] pluck, gather or remove (flowers, vegetables, etc) from the place where they grow 采摘, 采集(花、菜等)
*flowers freshly picked from the garden 从花园中新采的花
* pick lettuce, plums, spinach, strawberries, etc 收获莴苣、梅子、菠菜、草莓等.
3 (a) [Tn, Cn.a] remove small pieces of matter from (sth), esp in order to clean it 从(某处)除掉小块物(尤指为弄乾净)
*pick one's nose, ie remove dried mucus from the nostrils 挖鼻孔
* pick one's teeth, ie use a small pointed piece of wood, etc to remove particles of food from one's teeth 剔牙
* The dogs picked the bones clean, ie removed all the meat from the bones. 狗把骨头啃得乾乾净净.
(b) [Tn.pr] ~ sth (from/off sth) remove sth from a surface, esp with one's fingers or a sharp instrument (从物体表面)除掉某物(尤指用手指或尖物)
*pick the tacking threads (from a garment) 拆掉(衣服上的) 线
* pick a hair from the collar of one's coat 捡去衣领上的一根头发
* pick the toys off the floor 拾起地板上的玩具
* pick the nuts off the top of the cake 拣去蛋糕上的果仁.
(c) [Tn] open (a lock) without a key, eg by using a piece of bent wire or a pointed tool (用尖细之物或铁丝)拨开(锁).
4 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (in sth) make (a hole) in sth by pulling at it or by using one's finger-nails or a sharp instrument (用指甲或尖物)扎开, 抠开(一孔)
*The child has picked a hole in his new jumper. 孩子的新毛衣上勾了一个洞.
* The bird picked a hole in the ice with its beak. 那鸟在冰上啄出了一个洞.
5 (a) [In] (of birds) take up (grain, etc) in the bill (指鸟)叼起, 啄起(谷粒等)
*chickens picking corn 啄食玉米的小鸡.
(b) [Ipr] ~ at sth eat (food) in very small amounts or without appetite 小口地吃(某物)(或吃时无食欲)
*Sparrows picked at the crumbs. 麻雀啄食着面包屑.
* He never feels hungry and just picks at his food. 他从不觉得饿, 吃东西也没有胃口.
6 [Tn] = pluck 4
*pick a banjo 弹班卓琴.
7 (idm 习语) have a bone to pick with sb => bone. pick and `choose make a selection from a number of things, esp in a slow, careful or fussy way 挑选; (尤指)挑挑拣拣
*I spent days picking and choosing before deciding on the wallpaper and curtains. 我挑选壁纸和帘子用了好几天的时间.
* We had to find a flat in a hurry there was no time to pick and choose. 我们只好匆忙找套房子--没有时间挑选了. pick sb's `brains ask sb questions in order to obtain information that one can use oneself 问某人问题以获取有用的信息
*I need a new French dictionary. Can I pick your brains about the best one to buy? 我需要一部新的法语词典. 能否向您请教哪本最好? pick a `fight/`quarrel (with sb) deliberately cause a fight/quarrel (with sb), eg by behaving aggressively (向某人)寻衅, 找茬儿
*He tried to pick a quarrel with me about it but I refused to discuss the matter. 他极力想就那事找我的茬儿, 但我绝不谈论此事.
* It was foolish of you to pick a fight with a heavyweightboxing champion! 你傻了, 竟敢和重量级的拳击冠军寻衅闹事! pick holes in sth find fault with sth 挑某事物的毛病; 找某事物的漏洞
*It was easy to pick holes in his argument. 在他的论据里不难找到漏洞.
* They pick holes in everything I suggest. 只要是我提的建议他们就挑毛病. pick sb's `pocket steal money, etc from sb's pocket 扒窃. pick/pull sb/sth to pieces => piece1. pick up/take up/throw down the gauntlet => gauntlet1. pick up the `pieces/`threads restore to normality or make better (a situation, one's life, etc), esp after a setback, shock, disaster, etc 恢复或改进(局面、生活状况等)(尤指于受挫、受惊、受灾等之後)
*Their lives were shattered by the tragedy and they are still trying to pick up the pieces. 他们的生活被这场悲剧摧垮了, 但他们仍尽力重新整顿. pick up `speed go faster 加速
*We reached the outskirts of town and began to pick up speed. 我们到达市郊後开始加速. pick a `winner
(a) (in horse-racing) choose correctly the horse which will win the race, esp in order to bet on it (马赛中)挑中定能跑赢的马.
(b) make a very good choice 挑选得极好
*(ironic 反语) I really picked a winner with this car it's always breaking down! 这辆汽车我算挑着了--总出故障!
8 (phr v) pick sb off shoot (a person, an animal, a bird, etc, esp one of a group) after aiming carefully (有选择地)瞄准射击(人、兽、鸟等)
*A sniper hidden on a roof picked off three of the soldiers on patrol. 藏在屋顶上的狙击手击毙了三名巡逻兵.
1. Would you please stop at the grocery store and pick up some tissues, toothpaste and soap?

2. Would you please stop at the grocery store and pick up some tissues, toothbrush and soap?

3. Through having the chance to talk with adults, children pick up not only language skills but also adult habits and styles of thought.

4. A.You pick up the mail anxiously each day and breathe with peace when the letter isn't there.

5. Yes, I must go to the bakery and pick up some rolls and cake.

6. You may pick them up in utter exhaustion, if wind over the sea has driven them to a long journey.

7. You picture yourself going home to your parents or spouse and being informed, "Your services as our daughter / my wife are no longer required. Pick up your baby pictures as you leave."

8. She stooped to pick up her bag from the ground.

9. Several mothers who were waiting to pick up their children expressed anxiety about subjecting their youngsters to such pressure.

10. Pick up the cup by the handle.
