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punish为中学词汇   词频:4671


动词过去式:punished 过去分词:punished 现在分词:punishing 第三人称单数:punishes 形容词:punishable 名词:punishability


pen,pun=to punish(处罚)

近义词, 同义词



/'pʌnɪʃ; `pʌnɪʃ/
1 [Tn, Tn.pr]
(a) ~ sb (for sth) (by/with sth) hurt, imprison, fine, etc sb for wrongdoing 罚、处罚或惩罚某人
*punish those who break the law 惩罚违法者
* He punished the children for their carelessness by making them pay for the damage. 他让孩子赔偿损失, 惩罚他们粗心大意.
(b) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (by/with sth) hurt, imprison, fine, etc sb for (wrongdoing) 以(过错)为由处罚某人
*Serious crime must be punished by longer terms of imprisonment. 重罪须处以长期监禁.
2 [Tn] (infml 口) treat (sb) roughly, esp by giving hard blows 粗暴地对待(某人); (尤指)痛打
*He punished his opponent with fierce punches to the body. 他猛击对手的身体.
* Chapman punished the bowling, ie (in cricket) scored freely from weak bowling. 查普曼把投球手给治了(板球比赛中轻易得分, 因对方投球手技术差).


v [T]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin: punir, from Latin punire, from poena; PAIN1]
to make someone suffer because they have done something wrong or broken the law
punishment, punitive punitive
 Smacking is not an acceptable way of punishing a child.
 He promised to punish severely any officials found guilty of electoral fraud.
punish sb for (doing) sth
 It's unfair to punish a whole class for the actions of one or two students.
 They deserve to be punished for putting passengers at risk.
 I felt I was being punished for what my mother had done.
punish sb by doing sth
 My parents decided to punish me by withdrawing financial support.
punish sb with sth
 The House voted to punish the senator with a formal reprimand.
[usually passive]
if a crime is punished in a particular way, anyone who is guilty of it is made to suffer in that way
punishment, punitive punitivepunish by/with
 In some societies, theft is punished by death.
punish yourself
to make yourself feel guilty or bad for something you have done
 If you fail, don't punish yourself.
1. The woman walked out of the shop angrily and decided to punish the assistant next day.

2. The gods decided to punish him and said,

3. Some parents threaten to punish for bad grades or offer rewards for good marks.

4. Gessler turned red with anger. He then thought of a plan to punish William Tell.
    盖斯靳气得脸红了. 后来, 他想了一个计划来惩罚威廉-泰尔.

5. Gessler turned red with anger. He then thought of a plan to punish William Tell.
    盖斯靳气得脸红了. 后来, 他想了一个计划来惩罚威廉-泰尔.
