

美音:[reıd ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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n.袭击,搜捕;v.奇袭,搜捕;Redundant Array of Indepnedent Disks,独立磁盘阵列


raid为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3416


名词:raider 动词过去式:raided 过去分词:raided 现在分词:raiding 第三人称单数:raids

近义词, 同义词


assault  attack  invade  loot  pillage  plunder  seize    


/reɪd; red/
n ~ (on sth)
1 sudden surprise attack and withdrawal by troops, ships or aircraft (部队、舰艇或飞机的)突袭, 突击
*make/launch a bombing raid (ie by aircraft) on enemy bases 对敌方基地进行突然的空袭.
2 sudden surprise attack in order to steal or do harm (突如其来的)抢劫, 行凶
*an armed raid 持械抢劫
* A security guard was killed in the bank raid. 这次银行劫案中有一名保安员遇害.
3 sudden surprise visit by the police, etc, eg to arrest people or seize illicit goods (警方等的)突然搜查或搜捕(如为捕人或搜寻违禁品)
*carry out a dawn raid 破晓时进行的搜捕
* a police drugs raid 警方进行的毒品搜查.
4 (finance 财) attempt by a group of people to lower eg share prices by selling at the same time (为使价格如股价下跌)集体抛售.

v [Tn] make a raid on (a place) 对(某处)进行突然袭击、抢劫或搜查
*Customs men raided the house. 海关人员突然搜查了这所房子.
* (fig 比喻) raid the larder, ie take food from it, usu between meals 翻柜橱找吃的(通常指两顿饭之间)
* boys raiding an orchard, ieto steal fruit 在果园里偷水果的男孩子.
1. The raid was swiftly repulsed.

2. The raid was all over in three minutes, for the men scrambled back into the car and it moved off at a fantastic speed.

3. Assuming that his family had been killed during an air raid, Hans settled down in a village fifty miles away where he had remained ever since.
