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n.共和国,共和政体 adj.共和的


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/rɪ'pʌblɪk; rɪ`pʌblɪk/
n (country with a) system of government in which supreme power is held not by a monarch but by the (elected representatives of the) people, with an elected President 共和国; 共和政体
*a constitutional republic, eg the US, Canada 立宪共和国(如美国、加拿大). Cf 参看 monarchy (monarch).


[Date: 1500-1600; Language: French;Origin: république, from Latin respublica, from res 'thing' + publica 'public']
a country governed by elected representatives of the people, and led by a president, not a king or queen
democracy, monarchy monarchy
 the former Federal Republic of Germany
 Nine republics took part in the referendum.
1. When was the People´s Republic of China founded?

2. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the People´s Republic (1959), the government determined in 1958 that Beijing should undertake ten major building projects and complete them in ten months.

3. He established a bourgeois republic.

4. He established a bourgeois republic.

5. And in April she was given a series of tests by a special commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federal Republic.

6. Last year a journalist had been instructed by a well-known magazine to write an article on the president´s palace in a new African republic.

7. In addition, Germany and the Czech Republic have signed a treaty to protect the Elbe River from further contamination.
