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resolution为中学词汇   词频:2094


solv,solut=to loosen(松的)

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/,rezə'lu:ʃn; ,rɛzə`luʃən/
1 [U] quality of being resolute or firm; determination 坚决; 坚定; 坚毅
*show great resolution 表现得十分坚定
* a man lacking in resolution 缺乏毅力的人
* His speech ended on a note of resolution. 他演讲结束时语调很坚决.
2 [C] decision or mental pledge to do or not to do sth; resolve 决定;决心
*make, keep good resolutions 下定决心
* her resolution never to marry 她永远不嫁的决心
* New Year resolutions, eg not to smoke in the new year ahead 新年伊始下的决心(如来年戒烟).
3 [C] formal statement of opinion agreed on by a committee or assembly, esp by means of a vote 正式决定; 决议
*pass, carry, adopt, reject a resolution 通过、赞同、采纳、否决一决议
* a resolution in favour of/demanding better conditions 赞成[要求]改善环境的决议
* a resolution that conditions should be improved 改善环境的决议.
4 [U] (fml 文) solution 解决; 解答
*the resolution of a problem, question, difficulty, doubt, etc 难题、问题、困难、疑问等的解决.
5 [U] ~ (into sth) process of separating sth or being separated into constituent parts 分解; 解析
*the resolution of white light into the colours of the spectrum 将白色的光分解成光谱的各种颜色.


5【clear picture】
a formal decision or statement agreed on by a group of people, especially after a vote
pass/adopt/approve a resolution
 The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.
 a resolution calling for a ban on dumping nuclear waste
 They have failed to comply with the resolution.
【SOLUTION】 [singular,U]
when someone solves a problem, argument, or difficult situation
resolution of
 a forum for the resolution of commercial disputes
a promise to yourself to do something
resolveresolution to do sth
 Carol made a resolution to work harder at school.
New Year's resolution
(=a resolution made on January 1st)
strong belief and determination
 Then, with sudden resolution, she stood up.
the power of a television, camera, microscope etc to give a clear picture
high/low resolution
(=how clear or unclear the picture is)
1. Murrow knew that Britain's fate depended upon the resolution of the people in the shops and streets, the men in the pubs, the housewives, those watching for fire on the roofs, the people who had a thousand difficult and painful things to do.

2. Many schools have started conflict resolution programs to calm tensions that otherwise can build up like a volcano preparing to explode, ultimately resulting in physical violence.

3. Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue.

4. I still haven´t given up my resolution to do more reading.
