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romantic为中学词汇   词频:3632



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/rəʊ'mæntɪk; ro`mæntɪk/
1 appealing to the emotions by its imaginative, heroic or picturesque quality (因有想像力、侠义气概或生动性)动人的, 有浪漫色彩的, 传奇的
*romantic scenes, adventures, tales 富于传奇色彩的场面、冒险、故事
* The Lake District is a very romantic area. 英国湖区很有浪漫色彩.
2 [esp attrib 尤作定语] involving a love affair 爱情的; 罗曼蒂克的
*a romantic involvement 堕入情网
* romantic complications 爱情上的纠葛.
3 (of people, their characters, etc) enjoying emotional situations (指人、性格等)多情的, 浪漫的
*She has a dreamy romantic nature. 她爱幻想又多情.
4 (also Romantic) [esp attrib 尤作定语] (of music, literature, etc) marked by feeling rather than intellect; preferring wild nature, passion, etc to order and proportion (指音乐、文学等)浪漫主义的
*Keats is one of the greatest Romantic poets. 济慈是伟大的浪漫主义诗人.
* a masterpiece of the Romantic school/movement 浪漫派[浪漫主义运动]的杰作.

1 person who enjoys romantic situations 浪漫的人.
2 (also Romantic) romantic artist 浪漫派艺术家.
1. We endeavour to avoid the old, romantic idea of a gusher, which wastes oil and gas.
    我们力图避免那种有关喷油井的陈旧的, 不切实际的计划, 这种计划浪费油和天然气.

2. We endeavour to avoid the old, romantic idea of a gusher, which wastes oil and gas.

3. The Lake District is a very romantic area.

4. You wished to meet me because you are a writer, young and romantic.

5. Gray and Burns were precursors of the Romantic movement in English Literature.

6. Under this scheme, individuals attempt to march towards maximum happiness as they move through a procession of more or less satisfying romantic relationships.

7. Romantic love has no bearing on this process, say these lawyers, who consider prenups to be business agreements.

8. It was a small room, on the sixth and top floor, and scarcely a setting for a romantic figure.

9. If marriage exists only as a romantic relationship that can be ended at will, and family exists only by virtue of bonds of affection, both marriage and family come second to the search for love.
