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steer为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5018


名词:steerer 动词过去式:steered 过去分词:steered 现在分词:steering 第三人称单数:steers 形容词:steerable

近义词, 同义词


cattle  conduct  direct  drive  guide  handle  head  lead  manage  regulate  run    


/stɪə(r); stɪr/
1 (a) [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] direct or control the course of (a boat, car, etc) 操纵(船、汽车等)的行驶方向; 驾驶
*You steer and I'll push. 你来掌方向盘, 我来推.
* steer by the stars 参照星星的方位来驾驶
* steer a boat into (the) harbour 把船驶进港
* (fig 比喻) He managed to steer the discussion away from the subject of money. 他设法把讨论内容从钱的话题上岔开了.
* (fig 比喻) She steered me towards a table in the corner. 她要我到角落里的一张桌子那儿.
(b) [I] (of a boat, car, etc) be able to be steered (指船、汽车等)可驾驶
*a car that steers well on corners 转弯灵活的汽车.
2 [Tn] follow or keep to (a course) 向(某方向)行驶
*keep steering north/a northerly course 向北行驶.
3 (idm 习语) keep/stay/steer clear => clear2.

/stɪə(r); stɪr/
n young (usu castrated) male animal of the ox family, raised for its meat (肉用的)小公牛(通常指阉过的). Cf 参看 bull1 1, bullock, ox 1.
1. The Cutty Sark rolled from side to side and it became impossible to steer her.

2. You steer and I´ll push.
    你来掌方向盘, 我来推.

3. My hand held his elbow to steer him, but he stepped forward with no sign of hesitation or stoop, his shoulders squared, his head high, as though he were guiding me.

4. They can locate and steer clear of obstacles----or locate flying insects on which they feed.
