

美音:[stræp ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[stræp ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.带,皮带 vt.用带缚住,用带捆扎


strap为短语/超纲词汇   词频:6136


动词过去式:strapped 过去分词:strapped 现在分词:strapping 第三人称单数:straps

近义词, 同义词

tie  pinion  string  strap  sew  lace  tat  stitch  tack  knit  button  buckle  hitch  lash  truss  bandage  braid  splice  swathe  gird  tether  moor  picket  harness  chain  fetter  restrain  lock  latch  belay  brace  hook  grapple  leash  couple  link  yoke  bracket  marry  wed  bridge over  span  braze  pin  nail  bolt  hasp  clasp  clamp  crimp  screw  rivet  solder  set  weld together  fuse together  wedge  rabbet  mortise  miter  jam  dovetail fastener  fastening  tie  ligament  ligature  strap  tackle  rigging  harness  yoke  band ribband  bandage  brace  roller  thong  braid  girder  tiebeam  halter  noose  lasso  knot  running knot  lariat    


beat  belt  bind  fasten  flog  gird  lash  spank  thrash  tie  whip  wrap    


/stræp; stræp/
n (esp in compounds 尤”¨以构成复合词)
1 [C] strip of leather, cloth or other flexible material, often with a buckle, used to fasten things together or to keep things in place or to support, hold or hang sth by 带子(用皮、布等做成的, 通常有扣)
*a watch-strap 表带
* My camera strap has broken. 我照相机上的皮带断了.
* A rucksack has straps that go over the shoulders. 背包上有两条背带.
2 [C] narrow strip of material worn over the shoulders as part of a dress, etc (连衣裙等套在肩上的)挎带, 肩带, 背带
*bra-straps 胸罩肩带
* a summer dress with thin shoulder-straps 有细肩带的夏季连衣裙.
3 the strap [sing] (esp formerly) punishment by beating with a leather strap (尤指旧时)用皮鞭抽打的惩罚
*I got/was given the strap. 我挨了一顿鞭打.

1 [Tn.pr, Tn.p] hold, secure or fasten (sth/sb) with a strap or straps 用带子系、扎、捆、绑(某物[某人])
*strap sth in place 用带子把某物固定住
* They strapped their equipment on(to their backs). 他们用带子把用品拴在背上.
* Make sure the passengers are strapped in(to their seats) before driving off. 开车前请乘客务必系好安全带.
* The lorry's load had been securely strapped down. 卡车上的货物已捆扎牢固了.
2 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) bind (a wound, limb, etc) with bandages (用 带)包扎(伤口、肢体等)
*His injured arm was tightly strapped (up). 他受伤的手臂已妥善地包扎好了.
3 [Tn] beat (sb) with a strap 用皮鞭抽打(某人).
1. ´The strap needs mending,´ said Mrs Sterling later.
    “皮包带需要修理,”Sterling 太太后来说.

2. ´The strap needs mending,´ said Mrs. Sterling later, ´but they did not steal anything.´

3. She beat the dog off with her handbag and the man who was with the dog ran up and got it on a strap.

4. My camera strap has broken.

5. In the struggle, the strap broke and, with the bag in their possession, both men started running through the trees.
