

美音:[swıtʃ ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[swıtʃ ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.开关,电闸,转换 vt.转换,转变


switch为中学词汇   词频:3393


名词:switcher 动词过去式:switched 过去分词:switched 现在分词:switching 第三人称单数:switches 形容词:switchable


bang  beat  change  club  exchange  flog  lash  paddle  pummel  replace  shift  slash  spank  strap  strike  substitute  swap  thrash  trade  turn  whip    


/swɪtʃ; swɪtʃ/
1 (a) device for completing or breaking an electric circuit (电路的)开关, 电门, 转换器, 闸
*a light switch 灯的电门
* press the on/off switch 按开关通电[断电]
* a two-way switch, eg at the top and bottom of a staircase 双路开关(如楼梯上下两端的).
(b) device at the junction of railway tracks to allow trains to go from one track to another (铁路的)道岔,转辙器.
(c) (US) = points (point1 18).
2 (also `switch-over) (infml 口) (esp sudden) shift or change (尤指突然的)转变, 改变
*Polls showed a switch to Labour. 民意测验表明形势转而对工党有利.
* a switch from gas to electric 由使用煤气改为使用电气
* make a switch from publishing to teaching 由出版工作改做教学工作
* a switch in method, policy, opinion 方法、政策、观点的改变.
3 thin flexible twig or shoot cut from a tree; tapering rod like this used for urging a horse, etc forward (从树上砍下的)细软枝条; (策马等用的)枝条状的鞭子.
4 piece of real or false hair for making a woman's hair appear thicker or longer (女用)假发.

1 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (over) (to sth) (cause sth to) shift or change, esp suddenly (使某事物)转变或改变(尤指突然)
*switch to modern methods 改用现代方法
* Many voters switched to Labour. 许多选举人改投工党的票.
* Computers are everywhere now our firm is switching over soon. 计算机现已普及--我公司亦即将使用.
* switch the conversation to a different topic 改变谈话的话题
* Could you switch the TV over? 请你改换电视频道好吗?
2 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (with sb/sth); ~ (sth) over/round (cause sb/sth to) exchange positions; change over (使某人[某事物])交换位置; 转换
*Our glasses have been switched this is mine. 咱们的玻璃杯对调了--这个是我的.
* Husband and wife should switch roles (with each other) occasionally. 夫妻间应该偶尔(彼此)对调充当的角色.
* You drive first and then we'll switch round/over. 你先驾驶, 过一会儿咱们再换着开.
3 [Tn] whip or flick (a horse, etc) with a switch(3) 用鞭子等抽打(马等).
4 [Tn.pr] move (a train, etc) onto another track 将(列车等)转入另一轨道
*switch a train into a siding 把一列火车转入支线轨道.
5 (phr v) switch (sth) off disconnect (electricity, etc) 切断(电流等)
*Switch off the gas, power, etc at the mains 切断煤气源、电源等
* Don't switch (the TV) off yet. 暂时不要关掉(电视机). switch (sb) off (infml 口) (cause sb to) become dull, bored, etc (使某人)感到乏味、厌烦等
*I switch off when he starts talking about cars. 他一谈起汽车我就厌烦.
* Long lectures really switch me off. 我觉得冗长的演讲很烦人. switch (sth) on connect (electricity, etc or an appliance) 接通(电流等); 开(用电器)
*Switch on the light at the wall-socket. 把电灯接通在墙上的电源插座上.
* Don't switch (the radio) on yet. 暂时不要打开(收音机).


a type of system used for paying for goods and services in the UK, by which customers use a type of plastic card called a debit card, and money is immediately taken out of their bank account
 Do you take Switch?
 I'll pay by Switch.
1. Because I don´t know where the switch is.

2. He groped for the light switch in the dark basement.

3. He groped for the light switch in the dark basement .

4. He would then ride the R train to 59th Street where he would walk upstairs to switch to the Number 6 train.

5. I reach for the light switch, and as it silently lights the scene, I return to the bed to observe the patient with an unemotional, medical eye.
