

美音:[tə´geðə ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[tə´geðə ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


together为小学词汇   词频:309



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/tə'geðə(r); tə`ˇɛðɚ/
1 in or into company; with or towards each other 在一起; 到一起; 共同
*Let's go for a walk together. 咱们一起去散步吧.
* I hear they're living together, ie in the same house. 我听说他们住在一起.
* Get all the ingredients together before you start cooking. 把所有材料都放在一起再动手烹饪.
2 so as to be in contact or united 致使相接触或相结合
*glue, nail, tie, etc two boards together 把两块木板粘、钉、捆等在一起
* Mix the sand and cement together, then add water. 把沙子和水泥混在一起再加水.
* (fig 比喻) He's got more money than the rest of us (put) together. 他的钱比我们大家的加在一起的总数还多.
3 in or into agreement or harmony 一致; 协调; 变得一致或协调
*negotiations aimed at bringing the two sides in the dispute closer together 使辩论双方意见趋于一致的谈判
* The party is absolutely together on this issue. 该党在这一问题上意见完全一致.
4 at the same time; simultaneously 同时; 一起
*All my troubles seem to come together. 我的各种问题似乎同时出现了.
* They were all talking together and I couldn't understand a word. 他们一起说话, 我一个字都听不清.
5 without interruption; in continuous succession 不间断地; 连续地
*It rained for three days together. 一连下了三天雨.
* She can sit reading for hours together. 她能连续几个小时坐在那儿看书.
6 (idm 习语) get sth/it to`gether (sl 俚) get sth/it organized or under control 使某事物有组织或受控制
*She would be a very good player if only she could get it together. 她若能控制得当就能成为很好的选手. together with as well as; and also 和; 连同
*These new facts, together with the other evidence, prove the prisoner's innocence. 这些新的事实连同其他证据已证明在押者无罪.

adj (sl approv 俚, 褒 esp US) organized; capable 有组织的; 有能力的
*He's incredibly together forsomeone so young. 他这么年轻, 能力真了不起.
* a reallytogether organization 很严密的组织.