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vague为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4110


形容词比较级:vaguer 最高级:vaguest 名词:vagueness 副词:vaguely


vaga=to wander(流浪;漂泊)

近义词, 同义词


dim  faint  hazy  indefinite  indistinct  misty  obscure  shadowy  unclear  clear  distinct    


/veɪg; veˇ/
adj (-r, -st)
1 not clearly expressed or perceived (表达或感知)不明确的, 不清楚的
*a vague answer, demand, rumour 含糊其辞的回答、要求传闻
* vague memories, hopes, fears 模糊的记忆、渺茫的希望、莫名的恐惧
* I haven't the vaguest (ie slightest) idea/notion what you mean. 我一点都不明白你的意思.
2 not specific or exact; imprecise 不具体的; 不确切的; 不精确的
*a vague estimate of the cost 对费用的大致估计
* The terms of the agreement were deliberately vague. 协议的条款故意含糊其词.
* She can only give a vague description of her attacker. 她只能粗略地描述了一下那个袭击她的人.
3 (a) (of persons) undecided or uncertain (about needs, intentions, etc) (指人)(有关需要、意图等)未决定的, 犹豫不决的, 不确定的
*be vague in/about one's plans 对计画举棋不定
* I'm still vague about what you want. 我还是不清楚你想要什么.
(b)(of a person's looks or behaviour) suggesting unclear thinking or absent-mindedness (指人的神情或行为)茫然的, 心不在焉的
*a vague smile, gesture 用意不明的微笑、手势.
4 not clearly identified; indistinct 不清晰的; 模糊的
*the vague outline of a ship in the fog 船在雾中的模糊的轮廓.


[Date: 1500-1600; Language: French;Origin:Latin vagus 'wandering, vague']
unclear because someone does not give enough detailed information or does not say exactly what they mean
 The governor gave only a vague outline of his tax plan.
vague about
 Julia was vague about where she had been and what she had been doing.
have a vague idea/feeling/recollection etc (that)
to think that something might be true or that you remember something, although you cannot be sure
 Larry had the vague feeling he'd done something embarrassing the night before.
not having a clear shape or form
= indistinct
 The vague shape of a figure loomed through the mist.
1. He gave a cagey, vague answer to my question.
