

美音:[weıt ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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v.(~ for)等待,等候 n.等待,等待时间


wait为中学词汇   词频:540


动词过去式:waited 过去分词:waited 现在分词:waiting 第三人称单数:waits

近义词, 同义词


defer  delay  linger  postpone  procrastinate  put-off  shelve  stay  table  tarry    


/weɪt; wet/
1 (a) [I, Ipr, It] ~ (for sb/sth) stay where one is, delay acting, etc for a specified time or until sb or sth comes or until sth happens 等候; 等待
*`Have you been waiting long?' `Yes, I've been waiting (for) twenty minutes.' `你等了很久了吗?'`是啊, 等了20分钟了.'
* Tell him I can't see him now, he'll have to wait. 告诉他我现在无法见他, 他得等一等.
* Wait for me, please. 请等我一会儿.
* We are waiting for the rain to stop. 我们正在等着雨停下了.
* You'll have to wait until the end of the month before I can pay you. 你得等到月底我才能付给你钱.
* (infml 口) I was just waiting for (ie expecting) that (to happen). 我正盼着这件事(发生)呢.
* The chairman is waiting to begin (the meeting). 主席正在等着宣布开会.
* I am waiting to hear the result. 我正在等着听结果.
* I can't wait (ie am impatient) to read his latest novel. 我巴不得要看他的新小说.
(b) [Tn] wait and watch for (sth); await 等候, 等待(某事)
*wait one's opportunity/chance to do sth 等待时机[机会]做某事
* You will just have to wait your turn, ie wait until your turn comes. 你得等到轮到你才行. =>Usage 见所附用法.(c) [I] not be dealt with immediately; be postponed 暂缓处理; 推迟
*The matter can wait until the next meeting; it's not urgent. 这件事可以等到下次会议处理, 不是急事.
2 [Tn, Dn.pr] ~ sth (for sb) postpone (a meal) until sb arrives (为等候某人)推迟开(饭)
*I shall be home late tonight, so don't wait dinner (for me). 今晚我回来得晚, 别等我吃饭.
3 [I] stop a vehicle at the side of the road for a short time (机动车在路边)暂停
*No Waiting, ie as a warning that vehicles must not stop at the side of the road even for a short time. 禁止停车.4 (idm 习语) keep sb `waiting cause sb to wait or be delayed, eg because one is unpunctual 使某人等候或耽搁某人(如因对方不准时)
*I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起, 让您久等了.
* He kept us waiting for ages while he packed his luggage. 他收拾行李, 让我们等了好半天. ready and waiting => ready. time and tide wait for no man => time1. ,wait and `see wait and find out what will happen before taking action; be patient 等等看; 耐心等待
*We shall just have to wait and see; there's nothing we can do at the moment. 我们只好等等看, 现在无能为力. wait at `table (US wait on `table) (of a waiter or a servant in a private house) serve food and drink to people, clear away dishes, etc (指服务员或佣人)招待进餐. wait for the `cat to jump/to see `which way the `cat jumps (infml 口) delay taking action or a decision until it becomes clear how events will turn out 待情况明朗後再采取行动或做出决定. `wait for it (infml 口) (used as a warning to sb not to act, speak, etc before the proper time to do so has come 用以警告某人时机未到时别采取行动或别说话等). (play) a `waiting game (cause) a deliberate delay in taking action so that one may act more effectively later (实行)待机而动的策略. wait on sb hand and `foot serve sb by attending to all his needs 无微不至地照顾某人
*He seemed to expect to be waited on hand and foot. 他像是想要人尽心尽力伺候他. what are we `waiting for? (infml 口) let us go ahead and do sth, esp sth that has been planned or discussed 咱们干吧, 还等什么呢? (尤指已计画的或商议过的事). what are you `waiting for? (infml ironic 口, 反语) why don't you get on with the job, work, etc? 你还等什么呢? (怎么还不着手干活儿、工作等?) (just) you `wait (used when threatening sb that one will punish him or get one's revenge on him later 用以威胁以後要惩罚或报复某人).
5 (phr v) wait about/around stay in a place (usu idly or impatiently, eg because sb who is expected has not arrived) 在某处等候(通常指无聊地或不耐烦地, 如应到者未到). wait behind stay after other people have gone, esp to speak to sb privately待到他人走後留下来(尤指为与某人私下谈话)
*Please wait behind after class today. 今天课後请你留下. wait in stay at home, esp because sb is expected 在家等候(尤指等某人来到)
*I waited in all day but they didn't arrive. 我在家等了一天, 他们却没来. wait on sb
(a) act as a servant for sb, esp by serving food and drink at a meal 照料或伺候某人(尤指进餐时).
(b) (dated fml 旧, 文) make a formal visit to sb to show respect 拜访或探望某人. wait up (for sb) not go to bed (until sb comes home); stay up (为等候某人)不睡觉; 熬夜
*I shall be home very late tonight, so don't wait up (for me). 我今天晚上很晚才回家, 不必熬夜等着我.

/weɪt; wet/
1 ~ (for sth/sb) act or time of waiting 等候; 等待; 等候或等待的时间
*I was prepared for a wait. 我有所准备要等候一阵.
* We had a long wait for the bus. 我们等公共汽车等了很久.
2 (idm 习语) lie in wait => lie2.
1. But if you wait while I leave the room for a while, you can have two pieces of candy when I get back.

2. But others are determined to wait.

3. We must wait for clarification of the situation.

4. We like to go to the movies,but we hate to wait in line for tickets.

5. The world had to wait almost another 100 years for the Channel Tunnel.

6. The owner hands out AIDS information to all her clients when they enter the shop and shows videos on AIDS prevention while they wait for their hair to dry.

7. The children who as four-year-olds had been able to wait for the two pieces of candy were, as teenagers, still able to delay pleasure in pursuing their goals.

8. He´s going to wait for me at the gate of the Youth Palace.

9. He would take that to East 180th Street where he nearly always has a long wait for his final train, to Pelham Parkway (帕尔汉大道).

10. However, if they would wait while the experimenter ran an errand, they would have two pieces of candy.
