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worm为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5336


动词过去式:wormed 过去分词:wormed 现在分词:worming 第三人称单数:worms

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/wɜ:m; wɝm/
1 (a) [C] small long thin creeping animal with a soft rounded or flattened body and no backbone or limbs 蠕虫
*There are a lot of worms in the soil. 泥土中有许多蠕虫.
* an `earthworm 蚯蚓.
(b) [pl] worm that causes disease by living as a parasite in the intestines of a person or an animal 肠道寄生虫
*The dog has worms. 这条狗有肠道寄生虫.
(c) (esp in compounds尤用以构成复合词) worm-like larva of an insect, esp in fruit or wood (似蠕虫的)昆虫幼虫(尤指果实或木中的)
*The apples are full of worms. 这些苹果生了很多虫子.
* `woodworm 蛀木虫
* `silkworm 蚕.
2 (usu sing 通常作单数) (derog 贬) person considered weak and insignificant and who is not respected by others 懦弱的、无足轻重的且不受尊重的人.
3 spiral part of a screw (螺钉的)螺旋部分.
4 (idm 习语) a can of worms => can1. the early bird catches the worm => early. the ,worm will `turn even a person who is normally quiet and does not complain will assert himself or rebel in an intolerable situation 老实人忍不住也得反抗.

1 [Tn] treat (an animal, usu a cat or a dog) in order to get rid of the worms living in its intestines 为(动物, 通常指猫狗)驱虫
*We'll have to worm the dog, ie by giving it medicine. 我们得给这条狗打打虫子了.
2 (phr v) worm one's way/oneself along, through, etc move in the specified direction by crawling or wriggling, esp slowly or with difficulty 沿某方向爬行或蠕动(尤指缓慢而艰难地)
*They had to worm their way through the narrow tunnel. 他们得钻过狭窄的隧道. worm one's way/oneself into sth (usu derog 通常作贬义) establish oneself in sb's affection, confidence, etc, esp in order to deceive 获得某人的好感、信任等(尤指为行骗)
*She used flattery to worm her way/herself into his confidence. 她用阿谀奉承的手段骗取他的信任. worm sth out (of sb) obtain information (from sb) slowly and cunningly (从某人处)缓慢而狡诈地获取情报
*Eventually they wormed the truth out of her. 他们最後从她那里得知了真相.


write once, read many a CD on which information can be stored only once, but seen or used many times
1. There is a worm in the sparrow´s beak.
