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announcement为高中词汇   词频:2852


nounce,nunci=to report(报告)

近义词, 同义词


n statement in spoken or written form that makes sth known 宣布; 宣告; 通告
*The announcement of the royal birth was broadcast to the nation. 王室成员降生的通告已向全国广播.
* Announcements of births, marriages and deaths appear in some newspapers. 有些报纸刊登出生, 婚姻, 死亡的通告.


an important or official statement
 Dillon made the announcement at a news conference.
announcement about
 an important announcement about tax increases
announcement that
 We were shocked by the announcement that the mayor was resigning.
 The announcement came as no great surprise.
the act of telling people that something important is going to happen
announcement of
 the announcement of the company's annual results
a small advertisement or statement in a newspaper
 a wedding announcement in the local paper
1. The announcement amounted to an extraordinary reversal for Euro Disney, which opened amid immense celebration and widespread predictions of immediate success.

2. An announcement will be made soon.

3. A week after Wilmut's announcement, other scientists revealed that they had used a different technique to clone monkeys, which are much more closely related to humans.

4. Reacting to the announcement, stock market experts Paribas Capital Markets Group issued a "sell" recommendation on Euro Disney stock, saying that attendance levels for the period were 15 percent below its expectations and spending on food a
    对此番话,股票市场行家,帕里巴斯资本市场集团发布了一份"出售" 欧洲迪斯尼股票的建议,指出这一阶段的游客量比预期的低15%,食品及其他商品的消费额比预期的低10%。

5. In the wake of Wilmut's announcement, governments hurried to draft guidelines for the unknown, a future filled with incredible possibilities.
