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art为中学词汇   词频:509



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/ɑ:t; ɑrt/
1 [U]
(a) creation or expression of sth beautiful, esp in a visual form, eg painting, sculpture, etc 美的事物的创造或表现(尤指用视觉形式, 如绘画, 雕刻等); 艺术; 美术
*the art of the Renaissance 文艺复兴时期的艺术
* children's art 儿童的艺术
* [attrib 作定语] an art critic, historian, lover, etc 艺术批评家, 艺术史家, 艺术爱好者.
(b) skill in such creation 艺术技巧
*Her performance displayed great art. 她的表演表现了高度的艺术技巧.
* This tapestry is a work of art. 这张挂毯是件艺术品.
(c) instances of this 艺术; 美术
*[attrib 作定语] an `art exhibition/gallery 艺术展览[馆].
2 the arts [pl] = fine art (fine).
3 arts [pl] subjects of study (eg languages, literature, history) in which imaginative and creative skills are more important than the exact measurement and calculation needed in science 文科
*[attrib 作定语] an arts degree with honours in sociology 他持有社会学的文科(荣誉)学位.
4 [C, U] any skill or ability that can be learnt by practice, esp contrasted with scientific technique; knack (尤指与科学技术相对而言的, 经过实践获得的)技能, 技巧
*the art of appearing confident at interviews 在面试时表现自信的技巧
* Threading a needle is an art in itself. 穿针引线本身就是一种技巧.
* The art of letter-writing is fast disappearing. 尺牍技巧行将消失.
5 (a) [U] cunning; trickery 狡诈; 欺诈.
(b) [C] trick; wile 奸计; 诡计
*well-practised in the arts of seduction 惯用诱骗诡计.
6 (idm 习语) get sth down to a fine art => fine2.

/ɑ:t; ɑrt/
v (arch 古) (2nd pers sing pres t form of be, used with thou be的单数第二人称现在时态, 与thou连用)
*`O rose, thou art sick.' ‘玫瑰, 汝病矣.


This page indexes the individual year in art pages; see also Art periods. This is a list of the Visual Arts only; for Music see Timeline of musical events.
1. Even people who take no interest in art cannot have failed to notice examples of modern sculpture on display in public places.

2. We must get together and fight - fight with our work, with our books, with our art.

3. While attending secondary school, Engelbreit sold dozens of hand-drawn cards to a local shop for 25 cents a piece — her first venture into art and commerce.

4. Working in an art-supply shop, "I met working artists and realized you can make a living doing this."

5. This piece of art work has achieved the acme of perfection.

6. That all great art has this power of suggesting a world beyond is undeniable.
    不可否认, 一切伟大的艺术都具有使人有超尘脱俗的浮想的力量.

7. That all great art has this power of suggesting a world beyond is undeniable.

8. They had laboured for three years to produce this floating work of art;

9. The idea that modern art can only be seen in museums is mistaken.

10. The first thing I saw when I entered the art gallery was a notice which said: ´Do not touch the exhibits. Some of them are dangerous!´
