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cell为短语/超纲词汇   词频:773


动词过去式:celled 过去分词:celled 现在分词:celling 第三人称单数:cells

近义词, 同义词


/sel; sɛl/
1 very small room, eg for a monk in a monastery or for one or more prisoners in a prison 小房间(如修道院里的密室或狱中的牢房).
2 compartment in a honeycomb (蜂房的)巢室.
3 device for producing an electric current by chemical action, eg the metal plates in acid inside a battery 电池.
4 microscopic unit of living matter, containing a nucleus 细胞
*Human tissue is made up of cells. 人体的组织是由细胞构成的.
* cancer cells 癌细胞.
5 small group of people forming a centre of (esp revolutionary) political activity (尤指革命的)政治活动小组
*a terrorist cell 恐怖分子的小组.


5【secret group】
7【insect/small animal】
[Date: 1100-1200; Language: Old French;Origin: celle, from Latin cella 'small room']
the smallest part of a living thing that can exist independently
blood/brain/nerve cell
 red blood cells
 cancer cells
 Embryos grow by cell division (=the splitting of cells) .

a small room in a prison or police station where prisoners are kept
 He spent a night in the cells at the local police station.
 the walls of his prison cell
AmE a cellular phone ; a telephone that you can carry around with you, that works by using a network of radio stations to pass on signals
British Equivalent: mobile
 Call me on my cell if you're running late.
a piece of equipment for producing electricity from chemicals, heat, or light
 a car powered by electric fuel cells
a small group of people who are working secretly as part of a larger political organization
 a terrorist cell
a small room in a monastery or convent where someone sleeps
a small space that an insect or other small creature has made to live in or use
 the cells of a honeycomb
1. Wilmut knew that each cell of the body contains a full set of genetic instructions — instructions to grow a complete individual.

2. The curtain went up on the final act of the play and revealed the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell.

3. The cloning method used by Wilmut's lab requires combining an egg cell with the nucleus of a cell containing the DNA of the person to be cloned.

4. The Danish scientist combined an embryo cell with an egg cell from another sheep.

5. He entered the cell and presented the letter to the aristocrat.

6. He put the combined cell — then a newly growing embryo — into a grown female sheep.

7. He found a way to take an udder cell and make it grow into a new cloned lamb.

8. A single gene will code for only one of the many molecules and cell proteins that are the building blocks of the brain.

9. She was found prostrate on the floor of the cell.

10. Cells die and the cell nucleus begins to break apart after death.
