

美音:[tʃeın ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[tʃeın ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.链(条),[常 pl.] 镣铐,一连串,一系列 vt.用链条拴住


chain为中学词汇   词频:1891


动词过去式:chained 过去分词:chained 现在分词:chaining 第三人称单数:chains

近义词, 同义词

tie  pinion  string  strap  sew  lace  tat  stitch  tack  knit  button  buckle  hitch  lash  truss  bandage  braid  splice  swathe  gird  tether  moor  picket  harness  chain  fetter  restrain  lock  latch  belay  brace  hook  grapple  leash  couple  link  yoke  bracket  marry  wed  bridge over  span  braze  pin  nail  bolt  hasp  clasp  clamp  crimp  screw  rivet  solder  set  weld together  fuse together  wedge  rabbet  mortise  miter  jam  dovetail tendon  tendril  fiber  cord  ribbon  rope  guy  cable  line  hawser  moorings  wire  chain  string  filament    


bind  fasten  restrain  shackle    


/tʃeɪn; tʃen/
1 (a) [C, U] (length of) connected metal links or rings, used for hauling or supporting weights or for fastening or restraining things 链子; 链条
*keep a dog on a chain 用链子把狗拴住
* pull the chain, ie to flush the toilet 拉链子(冲抽水马桶)
* Remember to put the chain on the door when you lock it. 锁门时别忘挂防盗链.
* a length of chain 一截链条.
(b) [C] length or loop of chain used for a specific purpose (有某种用途的)一截或一圈链条
*a bicycle chain, ie for transmitting power from the pedals to the wheels 自行车链条
* The mayor wore her chain of office round her neck. 市长戴带着象徵她官职的项链儿.
* She wore a locket hanging on a silver chain. 她戴着银项链儿, 坠着个挂盒. =>illus at App
1 见附录1之插图, page xiii. =>illus 见插图.
2 [C usu pl 通常作复数] (fig 比喻) thing that confines or restrains 束缚或限制的事物
*the chains of poverty 贫困的桎梏.
3 [C] series of connected things 一系列的事物
*a chain of mountains/a mountain chain 连绵的山[山脉]
* a chain of circumstances, events, ideas 一系列的情况、事件、意见.
4 [C] group of shops or hotels owned by the same company 同一公司所属的商店或旅店; 联号
*a chain of supermarkets/a supermarket chain 超级市场联号.
5 [C] (formerly) unit of length (66 feet) for measuring land (旧时)测链(测量土地的长度单位, 等于66英尺). =>App
5 见附录5.
6 (idm 习语) in chains
(a) (of a prisoner) bound with chains (指囚犯)用链锁住的.
(b) not free; kept as a prisoner 不自由; 被囚禁.

v [Tn esp passive 尤用于被动语态, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sb/sth (to sb/sth); ~ sb/sth (up) fasten or confine sb/sth with or as if with a chain 用链子或像用链子一样拴住或束缚住某人[某事物]
*prisoners chained to a wall, each other 用链子锁在墙上、互相锁住的囚犯
* chain (up) a dog for the night 晚上用链子把狗拴起来
* (fig 比喻) Too many women feel chained to the kitchen sink, ie feel that they spend all their time doing housework. 很多妇女觉得自己被拴了在厨房的洗涤槽上.
1. Errors and uncertainties multiply, cascading upward through a chain of turbulent features, from dust devils and squalls up to continent-size eddies that only satellites can see.

2. The company's formula for success is to hold prices down by controlling every link in the rose chain.

3. After buying a new chain I was faced with the insurmountable task of putting the confusing jigsaw puzzle together again.

4. After buying a new chain I was faced with the insurmountable task of putting the confusing jigsaw puzzle together again.

5. And complete freedom will finally become our chain, leaving us with no choice but to live in loneliness, with no one who need to care about us.

6. Subsequently a chain of nuclear power stations was planned.

7. So I first sold the silver buttons of my Sunday coat, and then I sold my silver chain, and then I sold my pipe.

8. Consciously or unconsciously, we show our true feelings with our eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes, causing a chain of reactions, ranging from comfort to fear.

9. One of the links in the chain that drives the wheels had snapped.

10. It was a gold watch chain.
