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competent为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4880




pet=to fly(飞翔),to seek(寻求)

近义词, 同义词



/'kɒmpɪtənt; `kɑmpətənt/
1 ~ (as/at/in sth); ~ (to do sth) (of people) having the necessary ability, authority, skill, knowledge, etc (指人)有能力、权力、技能、知识等的; 能胜任的; 能干的
*a highly competent driver 技术高超的司机
* competent at/in one's work 能胜任工作的
* He's not competent to look after young children. 他没有看小孩的本事.
2 quite good, but not excellent 不错的(但并不出色)
*a competent piece of work 良好的作品
* The novel may be a best seller, but it's no more than a competent piece of writing. 这部小说就算能畅销, 也不过是平平之作.


[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin:Latin, present participle of competere 'to be suitable'; COMPETE]
having enough skill or knowledge to do something to a satisfactory standard
 A competent mechanic should be able to fix the problem.
very/highly/extremely competent
 She's a highly competent linguist.
competent to do sth
 I don't feel competent to give an opinion at the moment.
 He is the only party leader competent enough to govern this country.
satisfactory but not especially good
 The workmen did a competent job .
technical having normal mental abilities
 We believe the patient was not mentally competent .
 A psychiatrist said McKibben was competent to stand trial .
[not before noun]law
having the legal power to deal with something in a court of law
competent to do sth
 This court is not competent to hear your case.
1. They were more socially competent and self-confident, and better able to cope with life's frustrations.

2. I´m far from being competent. I can hardly earn any money.
    我一点也不能干, 我几乎赚不到钱.

3. I did not criticize her acting, inasmuch as I really did not feel competent.
    我没有去评论她的演技, 因为我确实觉得自己在这方面并不在行。

4. In the U. S., however, it is taken as a sign of skillfulness or being competent to solve a problem, or fulfill a job successfully, with speed.
