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delicate为六级词汇   词频:3849


名词:delicateness 副词:delicately

近义词, 同义词


dainty  fine  fragile  frail  light  mild  sensitive  soft  tender  coarse  crude  gross  indelicate  rude    


/'delɪkət; `dɛləkət/
1 soft or tender when touched; made of sth fine or thin 柔软的; 柔和的; 娇嫩的
*as delicate as silk 柔软如丝绸
* a baby's delicate skin 婴儿娇嫩的皮肤.
2 very carefully made or formed; fine; exquisite 精致的; 优美的; 精巧的
*a delicate mechanism, structure, etc 精巧的机械装置、结构等
* the delicate beauty of a snowflake 雪花的精美.
3 (a) easily injured or damaged; fragile 容易受伤或受损的; 易碎的; 脆弱的
*delicate china 易碎的瓷器
* a delicate plant 娇弱的植物.
(b) becoming ill easily; not strong 容易生病的; 不强壮的
*a delicate child, constitution 瘦弱的孩子、身躯
* She has been in delicate health for some time. 她身体欠佳已有些时日了.
4 (a) showing or needing much skill or careful treatment 精致的; 需技巧的; 精心处理的
*the delicate craftsmanship of a fine watch 制造好表的精湛技艺
* a delicate surgical operation, eg on sb's eyes 精细的外科手术(如眼科手术)
* her delicate playing of the sonata 她演奏奏鸣曲的 熟技巧.
(b) showing or needing tact and good judgement in human relations; sensitive (在人际关系中)有技巧的, 得当的, 得体的, 微妙的
*I admired your delicate handling of the situation. 我很钦佩你这样巧妙地处理了这种局面.
* We're conducting very delicate negotiations. 我们正在进行十分审慎的谈判.
5 (of the senses or of instruments) able to detect or show very small changes or differences; sensitive (指感官、仪器)精密的, 灵敏的
*a delicate sense of smell/touch 灵敏的嗅觉[触觉]
* Only a very delicate thermometer can measure such tiny changes in temperature. 只有非常灵敏的温度计才能测出这样微小的温度变化.
6 (a) (of colours) not intense; soft (指颜色)柔和的, 淡的, 浅的
*a delicate shade of pink 淡粉红色.
(b) (of food or its taste) pleasing and not strongly flavoured (指食物或味道)美味的, 清淡可口的
*the gentle, delicate flavour of salmon 鲑鱼清淡可口的味道
* Veal is too delicate for a spicy sauce. 小牛肉清淡可口不宜多加调料.
(c) (of smell) pleasing and not strong (指气味)柔和的, 淡的
*a delicate perfume, fragrance, aroma, etc 淡雅的香水、芳香、香气等. > delicately adv
*delicately carved statues 雕刻精致的塑像
* a delicately phrased compliment 措词高雅的赞词.


[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Latin;Origin: delicatus]
needing to be dealt with carefully or sensitively in order to avoid problems or failure
 There's something I have to speak to you about - it's a delicate matter .
 delicate negotiations
easily damaged or broken
= fragile
 delicate hand-cut glass
 The sun can easily damage a child's delicate skin .
old-fashioned someone who is delicate is hurt easily or easily becomes ill
 a delicate child
a part of the body that is delicate is attractive and graceful
 Her wrists and ankles were slim and delicate.
 her delicate features
made skilfully and with attention to the smallest details
 a plate with a delicate pattern of leaves
a taste, smell, or colour that is delicate is pleasant and not strong
 The wine has a dry delicate flavour.
 a delicate pink
1. But instruments far more delicate than that were needed if any really serious advance was to be made.

2. The wings of a butterfly are very delicate.

3. The case is an illustration of some of the delicate cultural issues the company faces as it gets ready to open its theme park 20 miles (32 kilometers) east of Paris in five months' time.

4. Despite the fact that the bottle is tinted a delicate shade of green,
