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drama为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2436

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/'drɑ:mə; `drɑmə/
1 (a) [C] play for the theatre, radio or TV 戏; 剧; 戏剧.
(b) [U] plays as a branch of literature and as a performing art 戏剧文学; 戏剧艺术
*a masterpiece of Elizabethan drama 伊丽莎白时代的戏剧杰作
* (dated or fml 旧或文) lovers of the drama 戏剧爱好者
* [attrib 作定语] a drama critic, school, student 戏剧评论家、学校、学者.
2 [C] series of exciting events 一连串紧张刺激的事件
*a real-life hospital drama 医院中活生生的激动场面.
3 [U, C] excitement 激情
*Her life was full of drama. 她的生活充满激动人心的事情.
4 (idm 习语) make a drama out of sth exaggerate a small problem or trivial incident 小题大做; 夸大其词
*He makes a drama out of a simple visit to the dentist. 他把看牙这样一件小事弄得小题大做.


[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Late Latin;Origin:Greek, 'action, theater plays', from dran 'to do']
[U and C]
a play for the theatre, television, radio etc, usually a serious one, or plays in general
 the great traditions of ancient Greek drama
a TV/television/radio drama
 the award-winning TV drama 'Prime Suspect'
 a new drama series for Saturday nights
 a drama critic
 a courtroom drama (=one that takes place in a court of law)
 a lavish costume drama (=one about events in a past century)
 He plays a Russian spy in the comedy drama 'Sleepers'.
acting - used when talking about it as a subject to study or teach
 young actors coming out of drama school
 our drama teacher
[U and C]
an exciting event or set of events, or the quality of being exciting
 Maggie's life is always full of drama.
 accidents, burst pipes, and other domestic dramas
 a night of high drama (=very exciting events)
 the drama of the moment
make a drama out of sth
to become upset about a small problem and make it seem worse than it really is
 Brian always makes such a drama out of everything.
drama queen
a woman or homosexual man who tends to behave as if situations are worse than they really are - used to show disapproval
1. She is a student of drama.

2. In that thought is drama, is there not?” As he spoke, Albert closed the door behind him. Then he switched on the light.
