

美音:[du: ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[du: ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.应得物、权力,[复]应付款 adj.应得的,应付的,正当的,预期的,(车、船预定)应到的


due为高中词汇   词频:676


deb=to owe(负债) 变化型 du

近义词, 同义词


equitable  fair  fitting  just  proper  rightful  square  undue    


/dju:; [US] du:; du/
1 [pred 作表语]
(a) ~ (to sb) owed as a debt or an obligation 应支付; 应给予; 欠下
*Have they been paid the money due to them? 他们是否已得到了应得的钱?
* I'm still due fifteen days' holiday. 我还应有十五天假期.
(b) ~ for sth owed sth; deserving sth 应有; 应得到
*She's due for promotion soon. 她不久就要晋升了.
2 [pred 作表语] requiring immediate payment 须立即支付; 到期
*fall/become due 到期
* My rent isn't due till Wednesday. 我的租金星期三才到期.
3 [pred 作表语] ~ (to do sth) scheduled; arranged; expected 预定; 约定; 预期
*His book is due to be published in October. 他的书预定十月份出版.
* The train is due (in) (ie scheduled to arrive) in five minutes. 火车预定在5分钟後到达.
4 [attrib 作定语] suitable; right; proper 适当的; 正当的; 适宜的
*after due consideration 经适当考虑之後
* With all due respect, I disagree completely. 不揣冒昧, 实不敢苟同.
5 ~ to sth/sb caused by sb/sth; because of sb/sth 由某人[某事物]引起的; 由于某人[某事物]
*The team's success was largely due to her efforts. 该队的成功在很大程度上是由于她的努力.
6 (idm 习语)in ,due `course at the appropriate time; eventually 在适当时机; 最终
*Your request will be dealt with in due course. 你的要求将在适当时机予以处理.

1 Some speakers are careful to use due to only after the verb be 有些说英语的人用due to一词很谨慎, 仅将之用于动词之後
*His lateness was due to the very heavy traffic on the motorway. 他迟到是因高速公路上车辆过多所致. But it is also generally considered acceptable today as a synonym for owing to, which is used differently 但目前普遍认为可将due to看作是owing to的同义词, 而owing to的用法与之有别
*He was late owing to/due to the very heavy traffic. 他迟到是因为交通拥挤.
* Due to/Owing to the heavy traffic, he was late. 因交通拥挤, 他迟到了.
2 Due to can be used immediately after a noun *due to可直接用于名词之後
*Accidents due to driving at high speed were very common that weekend. 在那个周末因高速驾驶造成的交通事故很多.

/dju:; [US] du:; du/ n
1 [sing] thing that should be given to sb by right 某人理应得到的东西
*He received a large reward, which was no more than his due, ie at least what he deserved. 他得到了巨大的酬劳, 这至少是他应得的.
2 dues [pl] charges or fees, eg for membership of a club 应交纳的费用(如俱乐部的会费)
*I haven't paid my dues yet. 我还没交会费.
3 (idm 习语) give sb his `due (fml 文) be fair to sb 公平对待某人
*She's a slow worker but, to give her her due, she does try very hard. 她工作很慢, 但平心而论, 她确实非常努力. give the devil his due => devil1.

/dju:; [US] du:; du/ adv (of points of the compass) exactly (指罗盘的方位)正向
*sail due east 向正东方航行
* walk three miles due north 向正北走三英里.
1. Earlier this month, Alberto Torres's wife, who had just been laid off from her job, had to have a breast removed due to cancer and now faces a year of radiation treatments.

2. This accident was due to his carelessness.

3. The success was due not to one man but to corporate effort.
    成功非一人之功, 而是集体努力的结果。

4. The strike is due to begin on Tuesday. No one knows how long it will last. The

5. The accident was due to her negligence.

6. The play is due to be previewed tonight.

7. The strike is due to begin on Tuesday.

8. The ship they were due to take passage on was wrecked, and while they waited, they began to wonder if Egypt was the right place after all.

9. This is due partly to the fact that the telephone service is superb here, whereas the postal service is less efficient.

10. His failing is due to incompetence.
