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exclude为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2077


动词过去式:excluded 过去分词:excluded 现在分词:excluding 第三人称单数:excludes 形容词:excludable 名词:excludability


clud=to shut(关闭)

近义词, 同义词


bar  forbid  keep-out  outlaw  prohibit  reject  shut-out  include    


/ɪk'sklu:d; ɪk`sklud/
1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (from sth)
(a) prevent sb from entering somewhere, taking part in sth, etc; keep sb out 防止某人进入某处; 阻止某人参加某事等; 把某人排除在外
*exclude a person from membership of a society 拒绝接纳某人入会
* Women are often excluded from positions of authority. 女子要想得到有权的职位往往遭到排斥.
(b) prevent sth from getting in; keep sth out 防止某物进入; 将某物排斥在外
*All air must be excluded (from the bottle) if the experiment is to work. 若要做好这一试验, 不得让空气进(到瓶子里)去.
* All draughts must be excluded from the room. 这间屋子不可有风透进.
2 [Tn] reject (sth) as a possibility; ignore as a consideration 排除(某事)的可能性; 不予考虑
*The police have excluded robbery as a motive for the murder. 警方已排除该谋杀案中有抢劫的动机.
* We must not exclude the possibility that the child has run away. 我们不可排除这孩子离家出走的可能性.
3 [Tn] leave (sth) out; not include 将(某物)排除; 不包括
*lunch costs
5 per person, excluding drinks 午餐费每人5英镑, 不包括饮料.
* That price excludes accommodation. 那价钱不包括住宿.


v [T]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Latin;Origin: excludere, from claudere 'to close']
to deliberately not include something
 a special diet that excludes dairy products
 The judges decided to exclude evidence which had been unfairly attained.
exclude sth from sth
 Some of the data was specifically excluded from the report.
to not allow someone to take part in something or not allow them to enter a place, especially in a way that seems wrong or unfair
 a mainstream exhibition that excluded women artists
exclude sb from (doing) sth
 The press had been deliberately excluded from the event.
 Sarah heard the other girls talking and laughing and felt excluded.
BrE to officially make a child leave their school because of their bad behaviour
to decide that something is not a possibility
 Social workers have excluded sexual abuse as a reason for the child's disappearance.
 At this stage we cannot entirely exclude the possibility of staff cuts.