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muscle为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2287


形容词:muscly 动词过去式:muscled 过去分词:muscled 现在分词:muscling 第三人称单数:muscles

近义词, 同义词


brawn  strength    


/'mʌsl; `mʌsl/
1 (a) [C] length of stretchable tissue in an animal body that is attached at each end to bone and can be tightened or relaxed to produce movement 肌肉
*arm, leg, face, etc muscles 胳膊、大腿、面部等的肌肉
* strain/tear/pull a muscle 扭伤[撕裂/拉伤]肌肉
* exercises to develop the muscles 做运动以锻炼肌肉
* Don't move a muscle! ie Stay completely still. 呆着别动!
(b) [U] such tissue 肌肉组织
*The heart is made of muscle. 心脏是肌肉组织.
* [attrib 作定语] muscle fibres 肌肉纤维.
2 [U] muscular power 肌肉的力量
*have plenty of muscle but no brains 肌肉发达, 头脑简单.
3 [U] (fig 比喻) power to make others do as one wishes (操纵他人的)力量
*political, industrial, etc muscle 政治的、工业的...力量
* a trade union with plenty of muscle 强大的工会.
4 (idm 习语) flex one's muscles => flex.

v (phr v) muscle in (on sb/sth) (infml derog 口, 贬) join in sth when one has no right to do so, for one's own advantage 强行挤入某事物以分享利益
*I wrote the book, and now she's trying to muscle in on its success by saying she gave me the ideas. 书是我写的, 现在她却要分享其成, 硬说是她给我的构思.


The depressor septi (Depressor alœ nasi) arises from the incisive fossa of the maxilla.
1. The exercise is great; the lifting gets easier with every load, even if my shoulder muscle is sore.

2. ´Rest´, in terms of muscle relaxation and so on,

3. "We've done years of work in showing that excess alarm or stress chemicals can literally burst heart muscle fibers.

4. An embryo is an early stage of development in which cells are busy dividing and "transforming" into specialized cells like skin, eye, or muscle cells.

5. Which is specifically concerned with preventing muscle inactivity.

6. Who studied 301 men and women aged 70 and older with at least one risk factor for falling, such as muscle weakness or use of certain medicines.
