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prefer为中学词汇   词频:1412


名词:preferrer 动词过去式:preferred 过去分词:preferred 现在分词:preferring 第三人称单数:prefers


fer=to carry(运;载),to bear(忍耐)

近义词, 同义词

desire  wish  wish for  like  love  take to  cling to  take a fancy to  fancy  prefer  choose  covet  want    


choose  desire  fancy  favor  pick  rather  select    


/prɪ'fɜ:(r); prɪ`fɝ/
v (-rr-)
1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tf, Tt, Tnt, Tg, Cn.a] ~ sth (to sth) choose sth rather than sth else; like sth better 选择某事物(而不选择他事物); 更喜欢某事物
*There's coffee or tea. Which would you prefer? 有咖啡或茶. 你喜欢哪样?
* I prefer walking to cycling. 我愿意步行, 不愿意骑自行车.
* (fml 文) I should prefer that/prefer it if you did not go there alone. 我倒希望你不要一个人去那里.
* She prefers to be alone. 她宁愿独自一人.
* Their father prefers them to be homeearly. 他们的父亲希望他们早点儿回家.
* I prefer walkingalone. 我比较喜欢一个人溜达.
* I prefer my coffee black. 我爱喝不加奶的咖啡.
2 (idm 习语) prefer a `charge/`charges (against sb) (law 律) make an accusation (against sb) for consideration in a lawcourt (对某人)提出控告
*prefer a charge against a motorist 对一个驾驶机动车的人提出控告
* We haven't enough evidence to prefer charges. 我们没有进行起诉的充分证据.


v past tense and past participlepreferredpresent participlepreferring [T not in progressive]

[Date: 1300-1400; Language: French;Origin: préférer, from Latin praeferre 'to put in front, prefer']
to like someone or something more than someone or something else, so that you would choose it if you could
 This type of owl prefers a desert habitat.
 She prefers her coffee black.
 the government's preferred option
prefer sb/sth to sb/sth
 a child that prefers his imaginary world to reality
 Employees said they would prefer more flexible working hours.
prefer to do sth
 I prefer to wear clothes made of natural fibers.
 Or, if you prefer , you can email us.
prefer doing sth
 Chantal prefers travelling by train.
prefer that
 We prefer that our teachers have a degree in early childhood education.
I would prefer it ifspoken
a) used to say that you wish a situation was different
 Sales have gone down, and obviously we'd prefer it if that didn't happen.
b) used when telling someone politely not to do something
 I'd prefer it if you didn't smoke in front of the children.
prefer charges
BrE law to make an official statement that someone has done something illegal
1. Would you prefer tea or coffee?

2. Which type of tea do you prefer?

3. The monks prefer winter to summer for they have more privacy.

4. Obstinately pretend that they would prefer to live in the country.

5. No,I am not,but I prefer nutritious food.
    不, 我不挑食, 但是我喜欢有营养的食物.

6. ´Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,´ I answered.

7. ´Well, I´d prefer to stay here,´ I said. ´You see, I´ve forgotten my key.´

8. Stalin drank very little vodka and seemed to prefer wine, which was understandable for a man from Georgia, a wine-producing land.

9. Some parents prefer keeping children home because of attacks by other students and a lack of discipline in schools.

10. People travelling long distances frequently have to decide whether they would prefer to go by land, sea, or air.
