

美音:[rı´kɔıl ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[rı´kɔıl ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.畏缩,后退,弹回,反作用,后座力 vi.退却,畏缩,弹回,撤退,反冲




名词:recoiler 动词过去式:recoiled 过去分词:recoiled 现在分词:recoiling 第三人称单数:recoils


re-=again,back 变化型 red-,ren-

近义词, 同义词


/rɪ'kɔɪl; rɪ`kɔɪl/
1 [I, Ipr] ~ (from sb/sth); ~ (at sth)
(a) draw oneself back in fear, disgust, etc (因恐惧、厌恶等)畏缩, 退缩
*She recoiled from the gunman in terror. 她面对持枪歹徒吓得直往後缩.
* He recoiled at the sight of the corpse. 他见到尸体厌恶得止步不前.
(b) (fig 比喻) withdraw mentally 畏怯
*recoil from murder, violence, etc 畏惧凶杀、暴力等.
2 [I]
(a) (of guns) jerk back when fired (指枪炮)反冲, 产生後座力.
(b) (of springs) move or jump back suddenly after impact (指弹簧)弹回.
3 (phr v) recoil on sb (of harmful actions) return to hurt the person who does them (指有害行动)还治其人之身; 报应.

/'ri:kɔɪl; `rikɔɪl/
n [U, sing] sudden backward movement, esp of a gun when fired 反冲(力); (尤指枪炮的)後座(力).


v [I]
[Date: 1100-1200; Language: Old French;Origin: reculer, from cul 'ass']
to move back suddenly and quickly from something you do not like or are afraid of
recoil from/at
 She recoiled from his touch as if she had been slapped.
to feel such a strong dislike of a particular situation that you want to avoid it
recoil from/at
 He recoils from everything in life that demands hard work.
 We recoil in horror from the thought of subjecting someone to extreme pain.
if a gun recoils, it moves backwards very quickly after it has been fired
>recoil ['riːkɔɪl/