

美音:[´skauə ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´skauə ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
vt.冲洗,擦亮,(搜索或追捕时)急速走遍 vi.擦,洗,冲刷,腹泻,急速穿行 n.擦,洗,洗涤剂,腹泻




名词:scourer 动词过去式:scoured 过去分词:scoured 现在分词:scouring 第三人称单数:scours

近义词, 同义词

be clean  clean  cleanse  rinse  wring  flush  full  wipe  mop  sponge  scour  swab  scrub  brush  wash  lave  launder  purify  purge  expurgate  clarify  refine  filter  filtrate  drain  strain    


buff  clean  massage  polish  rub  scrub  shine  wash    


/'skaʊə(r); skaur/
1 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (out) make the dirty surface of sth clean or bright by rubbing it with sth rough 将某物刷净或擦亮
*scour the pots and pans 把壶和锅刷乾净
* scour out a saucepan, ie with a scourer 擦亮长柄锅
* scour the pipe (out) 把烟斗掏乾净.
2 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (out) (of a river, etc) clear out or make (a channel, etc) by flowing at high speed (指河流等)冲刷成(水道等)
*The torrent scoured a gully down the hillside. 那急流顺山坡而下冲出一条水沟.
3 (phr v) scour sth away/off remove (dirt) by rubbing with sth rough 擦掉, 刷去(污垢)
*scour the grease off (the floor) 刷掉(地板上的)油渍.

n [sing] act of scouring 刷; 擦; 冲刷
*give the pan a good scour 把锅好好刷刷.

/'skaʊə(r); skaur/
1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (for sb/sth) go over (an area) thoroughly searching for sb/sth 走遍(某地)以搜寻某人[某物]
*Police scoured the woods (looking) for the body. 警方到树林各处(寻)找那具尸体.
2 (phr v) scour about, through, etc (sth) move around quickly in search of sb/sth 搜寻某人[某物]
*hounds scouring about in the copse (after the fox) 在矮树林中追寻着(狐狸)的猎犬
* We scoured through the fields, looking for stray sheep. 我们在田地里搜寻走失的绵羊.


v [T]
[Sense: 1; Date: 1400-1500; Origin: Probably from a Scandinavian language.]
[Sense: 2-3; Date: 1100-1200; Origin: Probably from Middle Dutch schuren, from Old French escurer, from Late Latin excurare 'to clean off', from Latin cura 'care']
to search very carefully and thoroughly through an area, a document etc
scour sth for sth
 Her family began to scour the countryside for a suitable house.
alsoscour out
to clean something very thoroughly by rubbing it with a rough material
= scrub
 Ada was scouring out the pans.
alsoscour out
to form a hole by continuous movement over a long period
 Over the years, the stream had scoured out a round pool in the rock.