

美音:[skrʌb ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[skrʌb ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
v.洗擦,擦净,使(气体)净化,擦洗 n.洗擦,擦净,擦洗者,矮树,灌木,丛林地,矮小的人(或动物) adj.次等的,矮小的,临时凑合的




动词过去式:scrubbed 过去分词:scrubbed 现在分词:scrubbing 第三人称单数:scrubs 形容词:scrubbable

近义词, 同义词

rub  scratch  scrape  scrub  slide  graze  gnaw  file  grindbe clean  clean  cleanse  rinse  wring  flush  full  wipe  mop  sponge  scour  swab  scrub  brush  wash  lave  launder  purify  purge  expurgate  clarify  refine  filter  filtrate  drain  strain    


buff  clean  massage  polish  rub  scour  shine  wash    


/skrʌb; skrʌb/
n [U] (land covered with) underdeveloped trees or shrubs 发育不良的矮树丛(地带)
*clear the scrub and plough the land 消除矮树丛後开垦这片地
* [attrib 作定语] `scrub-oak 矮栎, `scrub-pine, ie dwarf or underdeveloped types 矮松.

/skrʌb; skrʌb/
v (-bb-)
1 [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p, Cn.a] ~ sth (down/out) clean sth thoroughly by rubbing hard, esp with a brush and soap and water 彻底擦洗某物; (尤指用肥皂和水)刷洗
*He's down on his knees, scrubbing (away). 他跪在地上擦洗(起来).
* scrub the floor 刷洗地板
* Scrub the walls down before painting them. 先把墙刷乾净再上漆.
* scrub out a saucepan 把长柄锅刷乾净
* Scrub the table-top clean. 把桌面擦洗乾净.
2 [Tn] (infml 口) cancel (a plan, etc) 取消(计画等)
*We wanted to go for a picnic, but we had to scrub it because of the rain. 我们原想去野餐, 後来因为下雨而取消了.
* It costs
10 per metre, no, scrub that (ie ignore what I've just said), it costs
12 per metre. 这个价钱是每米
10 英镑, 不, 应该说是每米
12 英镑.
3 (phr v) scrub sth away/off remove sth by scrubbing 将某物擦洗掉或刷洗掉
*scrub the grease away 把油渍刷洗掉
* scrub the dirt off the shelf 把书架上的土擦掉. scrub up (medical 医) (of a surgeon) wash one's hands and arms thoroughly before an operation (指外科医生)(施行手术前)擦洗手和胳膊.

n [sing] act of scrubbing 擦洗; 刷洗
*give the floor a good scrub 把地面好好刷洗一番.
1. The great plain was covered in scrub and small lifeless trees.
