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simple为中学词汇   词频:635


形容词比较级:simpler 最高级:simplest 名词:simpleness


ply,pli,ple=to fold(表"倍;重"之义)

近义词, 同义词


bare  common  dull  easy  effortless  half-witted  idiotic  ignorant  mere  moronic  ordinary  plain  sheer  stupid  complex    


/'sɪmpl; `sɪmpl/
adj (-r, -st)
1 easily done or understood; not causing difficulty 简单的; 简明的
*a simple task, sum, problem 简单的工作、算题、问题
* written in simple English 用浅显的英文写出
* The machine is quite simple to use. 这机器使用很简便.
* When speaking to young people, keep it simple, ie speak in a way they can understand. 对年轻人说话, 要简明易懂.
2 plain in form, design, etc; without much decoration or ornament 式样简朴的; 朴素的
*simple food, furniture 简单的食物、家具
* a simple style of architecture 简朴的建筑风格
* the simple life, ie a way of living without luxury, expensive entertainments, etc 简朴的生活
* I like my clothes to be simple but elegant. 我喜欢穿朴素大方的衣服.
3 [usu attrib 通常作定语]
(a) not made up of many parts or elements 单纯的; 非复合的
*a simple substance, mixture 单纯的物质、混合物
* a simple tool, toy 简单的工具、玩具
* a simple sentence, ie one without subordinate clauses 简单句.
(b) not highly developed; basic in structure or function 未充分发展的; (在结构或功能方面)初级的
*simple forms of life, like one-cell organisms 生命的原始形式, 如单细胞有机体
* a fairly simple system of classification 相当初步的分类系统.
4 (a) natural and straightforward; not sophisticated 自然的; 率直的; 天真的
*behave in a simple, open way 行为直率
* as simple as a child 像儿童一样天真.
(b) not having a high position in society; ordinary 社会地位不高的; 普通的; 卑微的
*I'm just a simple soldier. 我只不过是普通士兵.
* My father was a simple farm-worker.我父亲是个普通的农民.
5 (a) easily deceived; inexperienced; nave 易受欺的; 无经验的; 幼稚的
*Are you simple enough to believe what that liar tells you? 你会蠢到相信那骗子说的话吗?
* I'm not so simple as to think it will be easy. 我决不致于笨得以为那是容易的事.
(b) (infml 口) not having normal intelligence 头脑简单的; 智能低下的
*She doesn't understand you. She's a bit simple. 她不明白你的意思. 她有点笨.
6 [attrib 作定语] nothing more or other than 纯粹的; 纯然的
*It's a simple fact. 这就是事实.
* a simple unbiased account of events 对事情纯然无偏见的叙述
* Was it simple greed that made you steal it? 你偷这件东西是完全因为贪心作祟吗?
7 (idm 习语) pure and simple =>pure.

n (arch 古) herb used for treating illness, wounds, etc 草药.


adj comparativesimplersuperlativesimplest
4【not having many parts】
7 the simple life
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French;Origin:'plain, uncomplicated', from Latin simplus, from sim- 'one' + -plus 'multiplied by']
not difficult or complicated to do or understand
 a simple but effective solution to the problem
 There is no simple answer to this question.
 I'm sure there's a perfectly simple explanation.
simple to use/make/operate etc
 Modern cameras are very simple to use.
relatively/fairly/quite etc simple
 There are relatively simple exercises to build strength.
 We want to keep the costumes as simple as possible.
 We can't pay people any more money until the company is more profitable. I'm afraid it's as simple as that .
made in a plain style, without a lot of decoration or unnecessary things added
 She dressed with simple elegance.
 simple but delicious food
 a building constructed in a simple, classic style
【ONLY】 [usually before noun]
used to emphasize that only one thing is involved
 Completing the race is not just a simple matter of physical fitness.
 The simple fact is , he's not very good at his job.
 Their motive was greed, pure and simple .
made or built of only a few parts, and not having a complicated structure
 It's a very simple machine.
 They evolved from simple life forms that existed millions of years ago.
honest and ordinary and not special in any way
 Joe was just a simple farmer.
technical simple tenses are not formed with an auxiliary such as 'have' or 'be'
the simple life
life without too many possessions or modern machines, usually in the countryside
【STUPID】 [not before noun]
someone who is simple is not very intelligent
 I'm afraid Luke's a bit simple.
1. But, in addition to that basically simple concept, the bank and its customer owe a large number of obligations to one another.

2. But the competition of man against man is not the simple process envisioned in biology.

3. By using pain-killing drugs that wear off quickly and a simple pain medicine, patients weren't driven into a long sleep and could breathe on their own sooner.

4. But if it were that simple, the book would not be quite so interesting or its implications so controversial.

5. For the simple reason that I was left with several curiously shaped bits of metal which did not seem to fit anywhere.

6. Writing a cheque is quite a simple procedure.

7. It pleasant to escape to a time when life,though hard, was relatively simple.

8. This simple truth was demonstrated rather dramatically during a civil defence exercise in a small town in Canada.

9. This simple motif runs throughout the entire score.

10. There are plenty of books that have been rewritten in simple language - and shortened too, if necessary.
