

美音:[weık ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[weık ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
vt.叫醒,激发 vi.醒来,醒着,警觉,振奋 n.醒,守夜,尾迹,(人,车等经过的)痕迹,守丧


wake为中学词汇   词频:4909


动词过去式:woke/waked 过去分词:waked/woken 现在分词:waking 第三人称单数:wakes 名词:waker

近义词, 同义词


arise  arouse  awake  get-up  rouse  stir  sleep    


/weɪk; wek/
v (pt woke / wEUk; wok/ or, in archaic use, 古语拼作 waked, pp woken / 5wEUkEn; `wokEn/ or, in archaic use, 古语拼作 waked)
1 (a) [I, Ip, It] ~(up) stop sleeping 醒; 醒来
*What time do you usually wake (up) in the morning? 你平常早晨几点钟醒?
* She had just woken from a deep sleep. 她刚从熟睡中醒来.
* I woke early this morning. 我今天早上醒得很早.
* Wake up! It's eight o'clock. 醒醒吧! 已经八点钟了.
* I woke up in the night feeling cold. 半夜把我冻醒了.
* She woke up with a start when the door slammed. 关门声把她惊醒了.
* He woke (up) to find himself alone in the house. 他一觉醒来发现房子里只剩下他一个人了.
(b) [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sb (up) cause sb to stop sleeping 唤醒或弄醒某人
*Try not to wake the baby (up). 别把孩子吵醒了.
* I was woken (up) by a noise in the room. 屋子里的声音把我吵醒了. Cf 参看 awake1, awaken.
2 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sb/sth (up) cause sb/sth to become active, alert, attentive, etc 使某人[某事物]活跃、警觉、注意等
*A cold shower will soon wake you up. 你洗个冷水澡, 马上就清醒了.
* The incident woke memories of his past sufferings. 这件事唤起了他对过去苦难经历的回忆.
* The audience needs waking up. 应该让观众的气氛活跃起来.
3 [Tn] (fml 文) cause (sth) to re-echo; disturb with noise 使(某物)反覆回响; 以噪声搅扰
*His echoing cry woke the mountain valley. 他叫喊的回声震荡着山谷.
4 (idm 习语) wake the `dead (of a noise) be unpleasantly loud (指噪声)大得烦人
*They were making enough noise to wake the dead. 他们喧闹的声音让人心烦. one's `waking hourstime when one is awake 醒着的时候
*She spends all her waking hours worrying about her job. 她只要醒着就一直为工作发愁.
5 (phr v) wake up to sth become aware of sth; realize sth 意识到或认识到某事物
*It's time you woke up to the fact that you're not very popular. 你早就该明白你没什么人缘儿.
* He hasn't yet woken up to the seriousness of the situation. 他还没意识到情况的严重性.

/weɪk; wek/
(a) night spent keeping watch by a dead person's body before it is buried 守夜(在殡葬前夜在死者遗体旁守候).
(b) (esp in Ireland) gathering of people for this purpose, with food and drink provided for the mourners by the dead person's family (尤指爱尔兰的)守夜的人群(由死者家属供饮食).

/weɪk; wek/
1 track left on the surface of the water behind a moving ship (行船在水面留下的)水流, 船迹, 航迹
*the foaming white wake of the liner 班轮驶过留下的白沫翻腾的航迹.
2 (idm 习语) in the wake of sth coming after or following sth 随某事物之後到来
*Outbreaks of disease occurred in the wake of the drought. 那场旱灾过後疾病丛生.
* The war brought many social changes in its wake. 经过这场战争, 社会发生了很多变化.
1. The flood left desolation in its wake.
    洪水过后, 留下一片荒凉景象。

2. Try not to wake the baby (up).

3. The young man did not wake up until the bed had struck the ground.

4. Nurses had a pleasant surprise: Because patients weren't so heavily drugged, they wake up soon after entering intensive care.

5. Don´t wake him from his slumber because he needs the rest.

6. At first, the water felt cold. It helped her wake up.

7. "You should brush your teeth when you wake up and then brush them again after breakfast. Sandy,

8. Vargas and our Indian guide joined me. But Al wasn´t up yet. I went to wake him up.
    瓦格斯和我们的印第安人向导来(和我在一起)了. 但艾尔还没有起床。我走去叫醒他。

9. Only Joan stood on the pavement, staring after the children racing in the wake of the departing car.

10. I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead.
