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concession为六级词汇   词频:3782




cede=to go(去),to yield(让步) 变化型 ceed,cess

近义词, 同义词


/kən'seʃn; kən`sɛʃən/
1 ~ (to sb/sth)
(a) [U] conceding 承认; 让出; 允许
*There is a call for the concession of certain rights. 要求承认某些权利.
(b) [C] thing granted or yielded, esp after discussion, an argument, etc 妥协, 让步(尤指经协商或辩论等)
*Employers made concessions to the workers in negotiations. 资方在与工人谈判中作出了让步.
* As a concession to her inexperience they allowed her to have some help. 他们体谅她缺乏经验, 允许她获得些帮助. Cf 参看 concede.
2 [C] price reduction for certain categories of people (对某类人)减价
*special concessionson all bus fares for old people 所有公共汽车票对老年人特价.
3 [C] ~ (to do sth) right given or sold to sb by the owner(s) of sth, allowing him to use or operate it 特许权(由某事物的所有者授予或售予某人的使用或经营之权利)
*oil/mining concessions, ie allowing oil or minerals to be extracted from the ground 石油[矿产]开采权
* a concession to drill for oil 石油钻探权.


1【something you allow somebody】
2【a right】
3【price reduction】
4【change of behaviour】
6【things sold】
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: French;Origin:Latin concessio, from concedere; CONCEDE]
something that you allow someone to have in order to end an argument or a disagreement
concedeconcession to
 a policy of no concessions to terrorists
 The British were not prepared to make any concessions .
concession on
 his readiness to make concessions on many of the issues raised
concession from
 We will try to force further concessions from the government.
major/important/substantial concession
 The committee has won a number of major concessions from the prison authorities.
【A RIGHT】 [U and C]
a special right that a particular person or group of people is allowed to have, for example by the government or an employer, or the act of giving or allowing something as a right
 the ending of tax concessions for home owners
 the import/export concessions that had been granted to the island
concession of
 the concession of autonomy to the universities
a reduction in the price of tickets, fees etc for certain groups of people, for example old people or children
= reduction
 To qualify for travel concessions you have to be 60.
 Open daily, adults £4, concessions £2 (=people who have the right to a concession pay £2) .
a change in your behaviour that you make because of a particular situation or idea
 He took off his jacket as a concession to the heat.
 He made no concessions to fashion.
【BUSINESS】[C]AmEa) the right to have a business in a particular place, especially in a place owned by someone else
 The company owns valuable logging and mining concessions.
b) a small business that sells things in a place owned by someone else
 Joe runs a hamburger concession in the mall.
concessions [plural]AmE
the things sold at a concession stand
1. We must make some concession to the weakness of old age.

2. That is the only concession to his blindness.

3. One difference from California or Florida: Parts of Main Street and waiting areas to get into the attractions will be covered over as a concession to Paris's rainy weather.
