

美音:[(adjective) ´kɔnt´rerı (noun) ´kɔntrerı ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[(adjective) ´kɔnt´rerı (noun) ´kɔntrerı ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adj.相反的,逆的,<口语>执拗 n.反面 adv.相反地


contrary为短语/超纲词汇   词频:6112


名词:contrariness 副词:contrarily 名词复数:contraries


contra-=against 变化型 contro-,counter-

近义词, 同义词



/'kɒntrərɪ; [US] -trerɪ; `kɑntrɛrɪ/
adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] opposite in nature, tendency or direction (在性质、倾向或方向等上)相反的, 相违的
*contrary beliefs 截然相反的信仰
* traffic moving in contrary directions 来来往往的车辆
* `Hot' and `cold' are contrary terms. `热'和`冷'是一对反义词.
* The ship was delayed by contrary winds, ie blowing against the direction of travel. 航船因遇逆风而延误了.

/'kɒntrərɪ; [US] -trerɪ; `kɑntrɛrɪ/ n
1 the contrary [sing] the opposite 反面; 对立面
*The contrary of `wet' is `dry'. `湿'的对立面是`乾'.
* I've never opposed it. The contrary is true
*I've always supported it. 我从未反对过它. 恰恰相反
2 (idm 习语) by contraries in an opposite way to what is expected 与预期的相反
*Many events in our lives go by contraries. 我们的生活中有不少事与愿违的情况. on the `contrary the opposite is true; not at all 与此相反; 正相反
*It doesn't seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think it's rather beautiful. 我觉得它并不丑, 恰恰相反, 它挺美. to the `contrary indicating or proving the opposite 与此相反(的)
*I will come on Monday unless you write to the contrary, ie telling me not to come. 我将于星期一前来, 除非你写信叫我别来.
* I will continue to believe it until I get proof to the contrary, ie that it is not true. 我仍然相信这一点, 除非能证明它与此相反.

/kən'treərɪ; kən`trɛrɪ/
adj obstinately refusingto help or obey 好与人作对的; 执拗的
*He's an awkward, contrary child. 他是个又麻烦又不听话的孩子.
1. But, contrary to a popular assumption, it is far from being the only one, or even the greatest.

2. Despite lip service to the contrary ("a balanced employee is a productive employee"), most employers want loyal employees who work longer hours, rewarding them with higher pay and better benefits.

3. One night he drank some black coffee, contrary to his usual habit, and was unable to sleep.

4. On the contrary, officials of another government bureau report, "no reasonable explanation to date has been made for the vanishings."

5. On the contrary, my caring frees both of us.

6. In the contrary school the duck is supreme.
    在相反的一类中, 野鸭是最高级的,

7. In the contrary school, the duck is supreme.

8. I become faster and neater each day. I'm outdoors in clean air. And, contrary to what people think, I don't get dirty on the job.
