

美音:[kə´rekt ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[kə´rekt ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adj.正确的,恰当的,端正的 vt.改正,纠正,告诫,惩戒


correct为中学词汇   词频:3414


名词:correctness 副词:correctly 动词过去式:corrected 过去分词:corrected 现在分词:correcting 第三人称单数:corrects 形容词:correctable


com-=together,with,wholly 变化型 co-,col-,comb-,con-,cor-,coun-

近义词, 同义词


accurate  adjust  change  mark  proper  remedy  right  true  incorrect  wrong    


/kə'rekt; kə`rɛkt/
1 true; right; accurate 正确的; 对的; 准确的
*the correct answer 正确的答案
* Do you have the correct time? 你的表准吗?
* The description is correct in every detail. 每个细节的叙述都很准确.
* Would I be correct in thinking that you are Jenkins? ie Are you Jenkins? 我想你就是詹金斯吧?
* `Are you Jenkins?' `That's correct.' `你是詹金斯吗?'`是的.'
2 (of behaviour, manners, dress, etc) in accordance with accepted standards or convention; proper (指行为、礼貌、衣着等)符合公认标准的, 得体的
*Such casual dress would not be correct for a formal occasion. 这样的便服不宜在正式的场合穿.
* a very correct young lady 举止很得体的年轻女士.

/kə'rekt; kə`rɛkt/
v [Tn]
1 (a) make (sth) right or accurate; remove the mistakes from 改正(某事物); 修改; 纠正
*correct spelling, mistakes, misconceptions改正拼写错误、谬误、错误的观念
* I corrected my watch by the time signal. 我按照报时信号对的表.
* Please correct my pronunciation if I go wrong. 假若我的发音不准就请你纠正.
* Spectacles correct faulty eyesight. 眼镜可以矫正视力缺陷.
* `It was in April no, May,' he said, correcting himself. `那是在四月份--不, 在五月份,'他改口说.
(b) (of a teacher, etc) mark the errors in (sth) (指教师等)批改(某项作业的)错处
*correct an essay, a test, etc 批改作文、测验题等.
2 point out the mistakes or faults of (sb) 指出(某人)的错误或过失
*`Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a llama?' `No, it's not.' `I stand corrected', ie You have pointed out my mistake.  那是美洲驼吗? 要是我说错了, 就请指出来. `那不是.'`多谢您指正.'
3 adjust (sth) so as to make it accurate 校正(某事物)
*Turn the wheel to the right to correct the steering. 把方向盘往右边转转, 好修正驾驶上的偏差.
* Add salt to correct the seasoning. 加点盐把味道调好.
1. That means, for example, that a doctor in Europe who is particularly learned will be able to treat patients in America after viewing their records via computer, deciding the correct dose of medicine to give the patient, or perhaps even remotely contr

2. All her deductions were correct.

3. Please correct your mistake.

4. Pushing off the diving board with my legs, I lifted my arms and shoulders back, and knew immediately I would be close to the board and might hit my hands. I tried to correct myself as I turned, spreading my hands wide apart.

5. Once, however, it failed to give the correct time.

6. It is a strange thought, but I believe a correct one, that twenty or thirty pages of ideas and information would be capable of turning the present-day world upside down, or even destroying it.

7. Integrity means you do what you do because it’s right and not just fashionable or politically correct.
