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creation为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1870




cre=to make(制造),to grow(生长) 变化型 cresc

近义词, 同义词


/kri:'eɪʃn; krɪ`eʃən/
1 (a) [U] action of creating 创造; 产生
*the creation of the world in seven days 七天的创世过程
* the creation of a good impression 良好印象的产生
* Economic conditions may be responsible for the creation of social unrest. 经济状况不佳可能是造成社会动乱的根源.
(b) (usu 通常作 the Creation) [sing] making of the world, esp by God as told in the Bible 创造世界(尤指《圣经》中所说的上帝创造世界).
2 (often 常作 Creation) [U] all created things 所有的创造物; 天地万物
*all of God's creation 神所创造的一切
* the biggest liar in Creation, ie a very great liar 瞎话大王.
3 [C]
(a) thing made, esp by means of skill or intelligence 创造物; (尤指凭藉技艺和才智的)作品
*the creations of poets and artists 诗人和艺术家的作品
* The chef had produced one of his most spectacular creations, a whole roasted swan. 这位厨师做出了他最拿手的好菜--一整只烤天鹅.
(b) new type of garment or hat (服装或帽子的)新式样
*the latest creations from London's fashion houses 伦敦时装商店的最新款式服装.


the act of creating something
creation of
 The plan should result in the creation of 2000 new jobs.
 the creation of a single European currency
 a job creation scheme
something that has been created
 The dress is a stunning creation in green, gold, and white.
 Most countries have systems of government that are relatively modern creations.
the Creation
the act by God, according to the Bible, of making the universe, including the world and everything in it
the whole universe and all living things
1. But a series of new environmental laws, together with the creation of parks and nature preserves that cover one quarter of the country, are aimed at protecting Costa Rica’s remaining forests.

2. While white people had previously been used as models for most American coins, famed artist James Earle Fraser went against tradition by using three actual American Indians as models for his creation.

3. The creation of new playground will benefit the local children.

4. They burst into the mind, glowing with the heat of creation. How they do it is a mystery but they must come from somewhere.

5. The myth has it that Americans consume too much, since the creation of solid waste per person continues to climb.

6. Specifically, some experts are concerned about the creation of a new (and disrespected) social class: "the clones".

7. India had gone from an agricultural society to the cyber-revolution, without passing through intermediate stages such as the welfare state and the creation of social services.

8. In this example, the conscious mind at the moment of creation knew nothing of the actual processes by which the solution was found.

9. In his recent book Earth Politics, Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacker wrote that "perhaps 90 percent of the destruction of animal and plant species, soil erosion, forest destruction and creation of deserts is taking place in developing countries."
