

美音:[ıg´zæmə´neıʃən ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[ıg´zæmə´neıʃən ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


examination为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1538



近义词, 同义词


/ɪg,zæmɪ'neɪʃn; ɪˇ,zæmə`neʃən/
1 [U] action of examining; being examined 检查; 调查; 被检查
*Careful examination of the ruins revealed new evidence. 仔细检查了废墟後发现了新的证据.
* On (ie As a result of) further examination it was found that the signature was not genuine. 经过进一步的调查发现签名不是真迹.
2 (also exam) [C] testing of knowledge or ability by means of questions, practical exercises, etc 考试
*an examination in Physics 物理考试
* sit/take an examination, ie have one's knowledge tested by a written examination 参加考试
* pass/fail an examination, ie be/not be successful in an examination 考试及格[不及格]
* an oral examination 口试
* an entrance examination, eg to test an applicant wishing to enter a school, college, etc 入学试
* [attrib 作定语] an examination paper, ie sheet(s) of paper with a list of questions set by an examiner 试卷.
3 [C] close inspection of sb/sth or inquiry into sth 检查; 查阅; 审查
*a medical examination by a doctor 医生的诊察
* an examination of business accounts 对商业帐目的审查.
4 [C, U] (action of) questioning by a lawyer in a law court (在法庭上由律师进行的)讯问
*a fresh examination of the witness 对证人的再次讯问
* After further examination by the prosecutionthe witness was allowed to leave the court. 证人经原告律师讯问後, 获准离开法庭.
5 (idm 习语) under exami`nation being examined 在检查中; 在调查中; 在审查中
*The prisoner is still under examination. 囚犯仍在受审.
* The proposals are still under examination, ie have not yet been approved. 提案仍在审查中.


a spoken or written test of knowledge, especially an important one
= exam
 The examination results will be announced in September.
 He's already taken the entrance examination .
[U and C]
the process of looking at something carefully in order to see what it is like
examination of
 a detailed examination of population statistics
under examination
 The proposals are still under examination.
 The issues need further examination .
on examination
 On closer examination the vases were seen to be cracked.
a set of medical tests
 All patients had a complete physical examination.
 A post-mortem examination (=an examination on a dead body) showed that he died from head injuries.
[U and C]law
the process of asking questions to get specific information, especially in a court of law
1. The teacher rebuked the student for throwing the examination paper on the floor .

2. This is not unusual during the examination week.

3. The "examination hell (地狱)" imposed on children is widely criticized in Japan.

4. Hopkins had the President wheeled to his room, where the White House doctor, Rear Admiral Ross T. Mcintire, made a quick examination.

5. A medical examination without a doctor or nurse in the room? Doing shopping at home?
    大夫或者护士不在跟前就能进行体格检查? 在家里就能选购东西?

6. And if it is ever attempted, it should — and no doubt will — take place only under careful examination and layers of legal administration.

7. On the eve of our examination, it rained.
    在考试前夕, 下雨了.

8. In my estimation, she will do very well in the examination.
    据我看, 她会考得很好。

9. I am doing revision for the examination.
