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modest为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3197





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bashful  humble  plain  quiet  shy  simple  unpretentious  arrogant  immodest    


/'mɒdɪst; `mɑdɪst/
1 (a) not large in amount, size, etc; moderate (数量、体积等)不大的, 适度的, 中等的
*live on a modest income 靠不高的收入生活
* make very modest demands 提出非常适度的要求
* a modest improvement, success 一定程度的改善、成功.
(b) not showy or splendid in appearance; not expensive 不浮夸的; 朴素的; 不豪华的
*live in a modest little house 住在朴素的小房子里.
2 (a) ~ (about sth) (approv 褒) having or showing a not too high opinion of one's abilities, qualities, etc; not vain or boastful 谦逊的; 不虚夸的; 质朴的
*be modest about one's achievements 对自己的成就很谦逊.
(b) rather shy; not putting oneself forward; bashful 羞怯的; 不突出自己的;  腆的
*Might I make a modest suggestion? 我可以提个小小的建议吗?
3 (esp of women or their appearance or behaviour) having or showing respect for conventional ideas of decency and purity (尤指女子或其容貌或行为)端庄的, 高雅的, 正派的, 纯洁的
*a modest dress, blouse, neckline, etc, ie one that is not sexually provocative 样子庄重的连衣裙、女衬衫、领口等.


1【not proud】
2【not big】
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin;Origin: modestus]
someone who is modest does not want to talk about their abilities or achievements
immodest, boastful boastfulmodest about
 He was always modest about his role in the Everest expedition.
 You're too modest! You've been a huge help to us.
not very great, big, or expensive
 a modest increase in costs
 She had saved a modest amount of money.
 The new service proved a modest success .
 a modest house with a small garden
 his modest ambitions
shy about showing your body or attracting sexual interest, because you are easily embarrassed
 She was a modest girl, always keeping covered, even in summer.
old-fashioned modest clothing covers the body in a way that does not attract sexual interest
 a modest knee-length dress
 'I was just lucky,' he said modestly.
 modestly priced meals
1. The more modest and humble we feel, the more we suffer from solitude, feeling ourselves inadequate company.

2. He was modest about his army career.

3. Modest and soft-spoken, Agatha Muthoni Mbogo, 24, is hardly the image of a revolutionary.

4. But a keen appetite for pleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms.

5. I keen appetite for pleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms.

6. I limited myself to two modest ambitions: to do physical exercises every morning and to read more of an evening.

7. I have a modest proposal: Embrace a highly personal practice aimed at improving these four adaptive skills:
