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n.巢,窝,休息所,隐匿处,舒适的地方,(可以一个套一个的)一套器具 vi.筑巢,找鸟巢 vt.造巢,使套入


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/nest; nɛst/
1 (a) place or structure chosen or made by a bird for laying its eggs and sheltering its young (鸟的)窝, 巢
*sparrows building a nest of straw and twigs 用乾草和树枝筑窝的麻雀.
(b) place where certain other creatures live, or produce and keep their young (其他一些生物的)窝, 巢, 穴
*an ants' nest 蚁穴
* a wasps' nest 黄蜂巢.
2 snug, comfortable or sheltered place 安乐、舒适或隐蔽之处; 安乐窝
*make oneself a nest of cushions 用垫子给自己做个安乐窝.
3 secret or protected place, esp for criminals and their activities 藏匿处; 庇护所(尤指供罪犯用的)
*a nest of thieves 贼窟
* a nest of vice, crime, etc 罪恶等的渊薮.
4 group or set of similar things of different sizes made to fit inside each other (大小不等, 可以套放在一起的)一组或一套相似物件
*a nest of boxes/tables/bowls 一套盒子[桌子/盆].
5 site where guns, etc are placed (枪炮的)掩体
*a machine-gun nest 机关枪掩体.
6 (idm 习语) feather one's nest => feather2. foul one's nest => foul2. a hornet's nest => hornet. a mare's nest => mare1.

v [I]
1 make and use a nest 做窝; 筑巢
*nesting robins 正在筑巢的鸲鸟
* Swallows are nesting in the garage. 燕子正在汽车房做窝.
2 (usu 通常作 go nesting) search for the nests of wild birds and take the eggs 寻鸟窝(寻找野鸟的窝掏鸟蛋).
1. Tomintoul, Scotland — On Saturday night at The Grouse's Nest, they're still willing to raise a glass or two to “Lord Williams” , though now his title prompts laughter.

2. A bird has made its nest in that disused tractor.
