

美音:[sık´juə ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[sık´juə ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adj.安全的,可靠的,放心的,无虑的 v.保护


secure为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3755


形容词比较级:securer 最高级:securest 名词:securement 副词:securely 动词过去式:secured 过去分词:secured 现在分词:securing 第三人称单数:secures 形容词:securable


cure=to take care(注意;留心)

近义词, 同义词


acquire  attach  close  fasten  firm  fix  get  lock  obtain  safe  seal  shut  sound  stable  sure  anxious    


/sɪ'kjʊə(r); sɪ`kjur/ adj
1 ~ (about sth) not feeling worry, doubt, etc 无忧虑的; 无疑虑的
*feel secure about one's future 对自己的前途无忧无虑
* a secure faith, belief, etc 明确的信仰、信念.
2 not likely to be lost or to fail; certain; guaranteed 有把握的; 确切的; 有保证的
*a secure investment 无风险的投资
* have a secure job in the Civil Service 在政府部门有一份稳定的工作
* Her place in the history books is secure. 她一定名垂青史.
3 firmly fixed; not likely to fall, be broken, etc; reliable 牢固的; 稳固的; 可靠的
*A climber needs secure footholds. 攀登的人脚踩的地方要很牢固.
* Is that ladder secure? 那个梯子安全吗?
4 ~ (against/from sth) (fml 文) safe; protected 安全的; 受保护的
*The strong-room is as secure as we can make it. 我们的保险库建造得十分安全.
* Are we secure from attack here? 我们这里受不到攻击吧?
* When you're insured, you're secure against loss. 只要买了保险就不会遭受损失.

1 [Tn] fix (sth) firmly; fasten 将(某物)固定住; 缚住; 系住
*Secure all the doors and windows before leaving. 要把所有门窗关好再出门.
* secure the ladder with ropes 用绳子把梯子捆好.
2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (against/from sth) make sth safe; protect 使某事物安全; 保护
*secure a building (from collapse) 将建筑物加固(以免倒塌)
* Can the town be secured against attack? 能保护这个市镇不受攻击吗?
* (fig 比喻) The new law will secure the civil rights of the mentally ill. 这一新法则可保障精神病患者享有公民权.
3 [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (for sb/sth) (fml 文) obtain sth, sometimes with difficulty 得到某事物(有时有困难)
*We'll need to secure a bank loan. 我们需获银行贷款.
* They've secured government backing (for the project). 他们得到政府(对该计画)的支持.
1. This is a secure hiding place.

2. The first category consists of substantial payments made for political purposes or to secure major contracts.

3. Municipalities naturally want to secure the campers ´site fees and other custom.

4. Municipalities naturally want to secure the campers´ site fees and other custom.

5. In this category, we may also include large payments made to ruling families or their close advisers in order to secure arms sales or major petroleum or construction contracts.
