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skeleton为短语/超纲词汇   词频:6041

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/'skelɪtn; `skɛlətn/
1 (a) framework of bones supporting an animal or a human body (动物或人的)骨骼, 骨架
*The child was reduced to a skeleton, ie very thin because of hunger, illness, etc. 这孩子骨瘦如 柴.
(b) such a framework, or a model of it, fixed in the position it has in the body, used esp for the purposes of study 骨架或骨架模型(尤用于科研)
*ape skeletons inthe museum 博物馆里的猿的骨架.
2 (a) any supportingstructure or framework, eg of a building 框架结构, 骨架结构(如建筑物的)
*The block is still just a skeleton of girders. 这片建筑还只是仅有主梁的骨架.
(b) outline to which details are to be added 纲要; 提要
*Her notes give us just the bare skeleton of her theory. 她的笔记只给我们提供了她的理论的梗概.
3 [attrib 作定语] having the smallest possible number of people, vehicles, etc needed to run an operation (进行一项作业所需的)最起码数量的人员、车辆等
*a skeleton crew, staff, etc 最低数量的船员、职员等
* We only have a skeleton bus service on public holidays. 在公众假期, 只有最少量的公共汽车营运.
4 (idm 习语) a skeleton in the `cupboard secret which would embarrass sb if it became known (若揭露出来可能使某人难堪的)秘密
*bribery of officials and other skeletons in the government's cupboard 政府中的官员受贿以及其他丑事.


backbone, breastbone, collarbone, kneecap, pelvis, skull, spine, rib
2【basic parts】
3【thin person】
5 a skeleton in the closet
6 skeleton staff/crew/service etc
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Modern Latin;Origin:Greek, from skeletos 'dried up']
【BONES】[C]a) the structure consisting of all the bones in a human or animal body
 the human skeleton
b) a set of these bones or a model of them, fastened in their usual positions, used for example by medical students
【BASIC PARTS】 [singular]
the most important parts of something, to which more detail can be added later
 We agreed on a skeleton outline of the proposal.
an extremely thin person or animal
 The disease had reduced Harry to a skeleton.
the main structure that supports a building, bridge etc
 Minutes after the explosion, all that remained was the skeleton of the bridge.
a skeleton in the closetalsoa skeleton in the cupboardBrE
an embarrassing or unpleasant secret about something that happened to you in the past
skeleton staff/crew/service etc
only enough workers or services to keep an operation or organization running
 The bus company is operating a skeleton service on Christmas Day.
【SPORT】 [C, singular]
a sport in which you slide down a special ice track while lying on your front on a type of sledge, or the vehicle you slide on
bobsleigh, luge
1. The burglars had used skeleton keys or entered over the balcony.

2. The child was reduced to a skeleton

3. The terrible secret is called ´a skeleton in the cupboard´.

4. The only person I know who has a skeleton in the cupboard is George Carlton, and he is very proud of the fact.

5. This was worse than ´a terrible secret´; this was a real skeleton!

6. A skeleton was dangling before my eyes.

7. She lies motionless: the head seems unusually large on a skeleton body; the skin is dark yellow and hangs loosely around exaggerated bones that not even a blanket can hide; the right arm lies straight out at the side, taped cruelly to a board to secu

8. Thereby proving that the burglars had either used skeleton keys or entered over the balcony.

9. I opened the cupboard door and then stood in front of the it petrified. A skeleton was dangling before me eyes.

10. It was a real skeleton! But George was unsympathetic.
