

美音:[stʌmp ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[stʌmp ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.树桩,残余,烟头 v.掘去树桩,砍成树桩,绊倒,难住,截去




形容词:stumpy 名词:stumper 动词过去式:stumped 过去分词:stumped 现在分词:stumping 第三人称单数:stumps

近义词, 同义词



/stʌmp; stʌmp/
1 part of a tree left in the ground after the rest has fallen or been cut down 树桩; 树墩.
2 (a) anything similar that remains after the main part has been cut or broken off, or worn down 残余部分; 残段; 残根
*the stump of a pencil, cigar, tooth 铅笔头、雪茄烟蒂、牙的残根.
(b) remaining part of an amputated limb 残肢.
3 (in cricket) any of the three short upright poles at which the ball is bowled (板球)三柱门的一柱
*the leg/middle/off stump 三柱门的尾[中/头]柱. =>illus at cricket 见 cricket 插图.
4 (idm 习语) draw stumps => draw2. stir one's stumps => stir1.

1 [Ipr, Ip] walk stiffly or noisily 僵直地行走; 跺步而行
*They stumped up the hill. 他们举步困难地登上这座山.
* He stumped out in fury. 他怒气冲冲地跺脚往外走. =>Usage 见所附用法.
2 [Tn esp passive 尤用于被动语态] (infml 口) be too difficult for (sb); puzzle 把(某人)难住; 使为难
*I'm stumped
*I just don't know what to do. 我很为难, 简直不知如何是好.
* Everybody was stumped by the problem. 大家都被这个问题难住了.
3 [Tn] (esp US) go around (a region) making political speeches, eg before an election 在(某地区)作政治性巡回演说(如在选举前).
4 [Tn] (of a wicket-keeper in cricket) end the innings of (a batsman) by touching the stumps with the ball while he is out of his crease(3) (指板球赛的守门员)以球触三柱门的柱使(击球员)出局.
5 (phr v) stump up (sth) (for sth) (infml 口) pay (a sum of money) 付出(一笔钱)
*I'm always being asked to stump up (extra cash) for school outings. 总是要求我为学校郊游付(额外的)钱.

*Stump, stomp, plod, trudge and tramp all indicate styles of walking with heavy steps. *stump、stomp、plod、trudge、tramp 均指落脚很重的步行方式. Stump and stomp can both suggest making a noise while walking in order to show anger *stump和stomp二者均可含有跺脚行走之意, 表示气愤
*He slammed the door and stumped/stomped upstairs. 他砰的一声把门关上,   地上楼去了. Additionally, stump can indicate walking with stiff legs 此外, stump还可指两腿发僵地行走
*stumping up the garden path 两腿发僵在花园小道上走着. Stomp can suggest clumsy and noisy walking or dancing *stomp可指行走或跳舞时笨拙或发出响声
*He looked funny stomping round the dance floor. 他在舞池里跺着舞步, 样子很可笑. Plod and trudge indicate a slow, weary walk towards a particular destination. *plod 和 trudge 指以缓慢、疲倦的步子向目的地走去. Plod suggests a steady pace and trudge suggests greater effort *plod有稳步行进之意, trudge指举步更为艰难
*They had to plod wearily on up the hill. 他们不得不迈着疲倦的步子登上山.
* We trudged home through deep snow. 我们踏着很深的积雪, 吃力地走回家. Tramp indicates walking over long distances, possibly with no specified destination *tramp指走长路, 可能并无确定目的地
*They tramped the streets, looking for somewhere to stay the night. 他们在街头游荡, 寻找过夜的地方.
1. The fourth time he fell into the hands of a professional slave-catcher, who promptly had the man´s foot cut off with an axe against a tree stump.

2. He stumbled over a stump.

3. It was five feet ten inches in diameter near the stump, and four feet eleven inches in diameter at the end of twenty-two feet, after which it lessened a little, and then parted into branches.
