

美音:[spaut ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[spaut ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.喷管,喷口,水柱,喷流,管口 v.喷出,滔滔不绝地讲,喷涌




名词:spouter 动词过去式:spouted 过去分词:spouted 现在分词:spouting 第三人称单数:spouts

近义词, 同义词

be fluid  flow  liquefy  melt  rush  gush  spout  spray  spirtflow  run  gush  pour  spout  roll  jet  trickle  stream  overflow  flow over    


discharge  eject  expel  spew    


/spaʊt; spaut/
n [C]
1 projecting pipe or tube through or from which liquid pours, eg for carrying rain-water from a roof or tea from a teapot 供液体流出的凸起管状物(如落水管或茶壶嘴)
*The spout is chipped so it doesn't pour very well. 这壶嘴儿有个豁口, 倒起来不方便.
2 jet of liquid coming out with great force (喷出的)液体流, 液体柱.
3 (idm 习语) up the `spout
(a) (infml 口) in a hopeless condition; broken, ruined, defeated, etc 没指望; 毁坏; 完蛋
*My holiday plans are completely up the spout. 我的假期计画全吹了.
(b) (sl derog 俚, 贬) pregnant 怀孕.

1 (a) [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (out of/from sth)/(out/up) (of a liquid) come out with great force (指液体)喷出, 涌出
*blood spouting from a severed artery 动脉割断後喷出的鲜血
* water spouting (out) from a broken water-pipe 从破裂的水管中喷出的水.
(b) [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (out/up) send out (a liquid) with great force 喷出, 涌出(液体)
*a broken pipe spouting (out) water 喷(出)水的坏管子
* The wound spouted blood. 伤口涌出血来.
(c) [I] (of whales) send a jet of water up through a hole in the head (指鲸)喷水.
2 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (infml usu derog 口, 通常作贬义) recite (poetry, etc) or speak lengthily and loudly 没完没了地大声吟诵(诗歌等)或说话
*Children dislike being spouted at by pompous teachers. 学生不喜欢听自命不凡的教师对他们夸夸其谈.
* spouting unwanted advice 罗罗嗦嗦地说出没人想听的建议
* He can spout Shakespeare for hours. 他能滔滔不绝地朗朗背诵莎士比亚的作品.